running to lose weight

Becca21 Posts: 361 Member
is running a good weight lose exercise!
or is going to the gym better


  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    I've heard that the most effective way to tone your body and lose weight is to combine cardio and strength training. Alternate your workouts to maximize your results.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Diet to lose weight, exercise to get fit
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    I've lost 2 stone running and gym...and haven't been dieting at all :happy:
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Running is excellent for losing weight. Have you ever seen a fat runner? (I mean professional here, not those of us just starting out!) The biggest issue is can your ankles, knees and/or hips take it? I have serious knee and ankle issues, but I'm still managing to run. I'm using the couch to 5 k running program (personally modified) but I'm doing well so far!

    Lifting can help you slim down too. So joining a gym is still a good thing to do. Plus you can run on the treadmills when the weather outside won't allow. Lifting will help you maintain muscle mass while losing the fat. Lifting heavy is always better than wasting your time with tons of repetitions. It really works out well!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Whatever exercise you enjoy and can stick with is a great one for weight loss. Keep it up!
  • dbroomy
    dbroomy Posts: 17 Member
    I think running is great for losing weight. I think all other posts have been correct as well. Diet is key, exercise is key, combining cardio and strength.

    I have never had issue (knock on wood) with my knees and ankles. I do suggest you get proper shoes for your feet (depending on your arch and where you need more support and stability) search the internet and check sporting good stores with knowledgeable staff (probably not the kids that work at the mall) for more info.

    I also know from my experience running on the road/track/outside seems to give my whole body more of a workout than running on a treadmill, so I suggest running outside to get more benefit and really gives you that "good" burn feeling. Plus the weather is starting to be nice.

    Good luck.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Over the years, I've done a variety of workouts;

    1) more cardio than weights
    2) more weights than cardio
    3) running supplemented by weights

    What I've found: running changed the shape of my lower body, but I definately think weights are a must for the abs, back, and upper body. Also, don't be afraid to change your weight routine up. Mix in pilates, yoga, machines, free weights, kettlebells, and bands to keep everything working.
