DaisukeYuki Member


  • If you're doing what you're doing and it isn't working then it's time to try something else. I'd agree with the sentiment of ignoring the scales, eating at maintenance and stepping up on exercise/ strength training. I did, it's a lot less draining physically/ mentally and my body looks all the better for it. Up to you, of…
  • I'm somewhat at a loss why some random person would come up and tell you what/ what not to do personally. It seems a tad overbearing and presumptuous to assume a stranger doesn't know what they're doing.
  • I can identify with this as I found long walks during the summer (around 3 hours worth) really helped me de-stress. I'm currently implementing running to try and get rid of nervous energy (anxiety/ IBS sufferer) without the eventual possibility of muscle/ joint pain or fatigue and desire to overeat. Not quite the same - I…
  • Alternate day fasting, eating 1200 one day and 500 the next :s I wouldn't recommend it, but it gets the job done. It makes figuring out calories to maintain without gaining weight back a complete pain as you don't really learn much by starving yourself the best part of a year,
  • Or just forget the scales for a while and take body measurements - that works for me. Even if exercise might seem to hinder weight loss (and in a way it does), it;s beneficial and will help you in the long run. Feeling better, retaining muscle mass etc etc. It'll also "buffer" your calories if you're not weighing your…
  • I spent a whole summer's worth of very long morning walks and it was fantastic. Once it started getting dark and I still wished to continue, I finally caved into friends/ family/ boyfriend's requests to start using cardio equipment at my gym instead. Plus side? No longer walking and challenging myself to 5k's on a…
  • As its winter I'm getting into the habit of going to the gym and hitting the crosstrainer instead of walking outside, so pretty new to running. As a beginner so far I'm just doing a 5km (around three miles is it?) programme which takes just under 40 mins for me to complete with no real problems. Looking forward to when the…