Like mlitri mentioned earlier, log all of your food/drinks every day. Be okay with continuing to check in stuff, even past your daily calorie goal. Starting out, simply getting used to seeing how many calories you consume on regular daily stuff will already help you find areas you can slim down a little bit. For me it’s…
Same here…after 5 years or so. I need less pizza and beer and more fitness in my life. Let’s do this!
Awesome eyes
You're cute. Yep.
As long as you don't mind that I snore
Cool hair
Love the Prisma app..
I recommend setting up a punching bag or some kind of dummy and, like someone mentioned earlier, training with actual sword swinging. I think you're looking at a lot of grip strength and forearm strength so working with some good grips (look up Captains of Crush) and other forearm exercises could help. For training against…
You can do it! Every little step toward healthy living makes a difference. Grats on the new kiddo!