holliann99 Member


  • I'm 5'1 and 186, currently losing weight (down 12 lbs in just over a month). I'm about 1500 calories per day, and unfortunately my lifestyle is pretty sedentary (not by choice--my job just keeps me tied to a desk). I do work out now about 30-40 minutes about 5 days per week). Not sure it helps, but I hope it points you in…
  • Hello! This is one of the main reasons I work out at home. I get up early and get in a 30-40 minute workout because the kids are up because once they are out of bed and the day gets started, all bets are off. I also spend a little time on the weekends prepping food for the week. It can totally be done. Maybe I can help...…
  • That calorie target seems really, really low. if you're undereating, your body goes into preservation mode and you will have a much harder time losing weight.