shel80kg Member


  • Thanks for the links N*thin. I think we all have to pick and choose our battles and diet drinks have assisted me in the past in my quest for changing appetitie etc so I hear you. I had a chat with me ol" body during my stroll this morning and I asked him how he is enjoying the change of diet and the world of Keto. He…
  • Ok. Great. Back on track. I was learing about preservatives this morning during my beautiful walk (far too early for a Monday if I am honest) and realized that I am consuming far too much of sodium benzoate as I have been using diet drinks and snack food forever. Even my celebrated pickles and sour crout foods contain this…
  • Dear Sollyn I am aware that in your two responses to my posts, you have felt a need to correct me and demonstrate your broad knowledge of Mexican food and psychological constructs. Doritos are not Mexican and Learned Helplessness has not been debunked in psychological studies post the original writings of Seligman,…
  • Hi again, It’s important to clarify that the original concept of “learned helplessness “ has been debunked over and over again in peer/reviewed clinical studies. Helplessness is now seen in conventional Psychology as instinctual that can be overcome with learning and choosing more (contextually) acceptable responses. I…
  • Thanks fortheinsight Neanderthin (love the name).I know it may seem futile and we are at the mercy of the food multinationals who are holding our palets hostage. I am sure they have chemists and researchers who work around the clock to determine the fastest and most successful ways of creating addictive substances that we…
  • Sorry Sollyn2312 re: "Honor mexican culture by having fajitas without the tortillas. Doritos aren't Mexican anyway... they were created in the US because they couldn't get people to eat enough regular tortilla chips, and they wanted to make more money".I suppose in the wake of "woke" one has to be careul of mixng up…
  • Watching a movie which has references to Mexican food so of course I stepped out to honour the show by contemplating Doritos. So tempted. But my body is in Ketoland after 5 days of bidding farewell to sugary foods and most starchy carbs. I asked myself…. is it really that important? Could I imagine myself snacking on…
  • I appreciate the comments and encouragements. Hi Kshama. It is lovely to hear from you again. Yes...I am back as I am still on the journey and imagine that will be true for some time to come. I suspect that the early learning patterns that we establish "way back" continue to compete with all of the new patterns and habits…
  • I feel a sense of relief as I have loosened my self-imposes restrictions and have chosen to be a bit more open minded with food and quantity. My body is an older body and needs gradual and gentle care and support and I don’t want to punish it for being large. It got there honestly, doing it’s best to digest and cope with…
  • Actually, recording in an accurate manner our food and alcohol consumption is an excellent cognitive strategy and brings us face to face with truth. I know I lull myself into a false sense of comfort and fulfilment in those moments of indulgence and impulsivity. Thank you for reminding me of this tool which I will…
  • Oh dear.. I am concerned that I hurt your feelings Ann and I am really sorry. You write beautifully and it was me who overthought your comments and advice. Chickenkillerpuppy (what a name!) said it well when she was reminding me that nothing is simple or linear in the quest for the lifestyle choices that will work over…
  • Hi Ann I have appreciated all of your comments and suggestions and you are a sincere, kind and knowledgable person. I just find myself getting frustrated and disillusioned with the daunting process and I know I amplify my complaints when I am not careful. Please keep posting on this thread as you have a great deal to…
  • Obviously, the "frequent responders" to most of the posts are extremely enthusiastic in reminding us of the"fun" of food selection and the advantages of certain foods rather than assuming some foods are good or bad. Look, I appreciate the suggestions and positive spins offered by those who have found their way. It just…
  • The last few comments have helped me rethink the “game” metaphor and perhaps I have been reluctant to enjoy the transition from obsessive over-eater to thoughtful/mindful enjoyer of food. Why not enjoy healthy eating when it can include amazingly delicious choices without tons of sugars, processed chemicals and useless…
  • Dear Ann and Chicken Thank you for your responses. Really helpful and poignant.I am impatient and easily frustrated; expecting results in an unrealistic manner. I appreciate the time you both spent clarifying and adding to my insight. I cannot thank you enough. Both posts were excellent. Thank you
  • The idea of making eating "fun" by mixing and matching and trying out new food types and preparation processes sounds reasonable. I suppose if those of us who really struggle with our old patterns and habits could break them and just introduce new eating and prep methodologies easily, we would have done that by now. This…
  • What an awesome answer with some great strategies embedded in your helpful comments. Thank you. "balancing current pleasures with future well being". Love it!!!!Something about this approach resonates with me. I'm not completely sure I can implement the positive strategies as a "game" because it seems to real to me. This…
  • Hi everyone Back in Ketoland. I know, I know. It must be boring hearing my roller coaster ride with Ketosis. I am sorry about that. It is just that Keto for me represents being "on the wagon". I wish I was more consistent. Day by day. I sure envy people who do not have to think about food endlessly. I wonder if it ever…
  • Reboot!! Okay...Birthday weekend and was spoiled. Consequences....kicked out of Ketoville and up 2 kg. I do not feel too guilty and am surprisingly motivated to make August 1st 2022 a start day (again). Been here before but we cannot live in the past. I want/deserve to feel/be healthy and the challenge is ahead. I do not…
  • Up and down. Up and down. Not sure at times how to measure progress. Consistency? Bathroom scales? How clothing fits? People's comments? Personal feelings? Doctor's opinion..... I get that this "thread"is just one of too many. I guess I am in touch with a deeper reality today. It's not really about weight loss. Maybe it's…
  • Hi Pera_aus_2021 Over eating is so familiar to meet it is as if you are telling my story. The "domino effect" I call it. One thing begins to break down and the bad choices just all fall on one another. This happens for a reason or reasons and I would not be arrogant enough to offer any superficial advice or comment. Just…
  • Some thoughts.... I wonder if accepting the way our body looks and feels is a prerequisite to commencing a life-changing process? It seems to me that seeing weight loss as a chore or even worse, a "battle" puts at odds with our physical selves. It is as if we hate ourselves as a starting point and then go on the attack. We…
  • Thanks ReenieHJ I am pleased that I was able to regroup and recommit to the plan. I agree with the view that we will have great days, good days, not so great days and days to forget. Food is not the enemy and we are not slaves or victims. Just living organisms who have developed patterns and habits which require…
  • I wasn't so amazing yesterday. 4ooo K down my throat. I felt depressed, sad and overwhelmed. I feel like I will never reach my goals and instead will go back to no control or balance. I know this isn't true but it feels like it could be true. I just wanted you to know that I am not immune from doubt and fear. I'll get back…
  • We are amazing! No-one can do this for us ....just our amazing selves No-one can fill our hearts and won't do it in any sustaining ways We are the therapy, and we are the cure Just and always.....our amazing selves Shel
  • Hi Rockani, Sounds like you are doing it tough with friends who are busy, financial challenges, PMS and the all too familiar reliance on food to sooth your yucky feelings. Well done coping. I guess it is all about breaking patterns and habits and you are doing that. Be kind and gentle with yourself and know that you have…
  • Hey ReenieHJ, I’m sure we have a myriad of memories and experiences which lay the foundation for our eating behaviours. I think we need to identify the core of our learned responses and teach ourselves that we can make different choices. I know we can. Let’s do it as a team. Ok? Shel
  • Hi, I can so relate to you kshama. It does feel like my brain weakens and opens the window to indulgence and deviation from the plan. It is like a part of me doesn't agree with or even at a more primal level has absolutely no interest at all in me being healthy or fit. A dissociated split off part of me (problem developed…
  • Hi everyone, I was so moved to receive some responses. Thank you so much. It is nice to know that my brain is not alone in the variety of ways it has learned to transform psychological issues/patterns/needs into eating behaviours and choices. I really related to your stories and I found both solace and empathy for all of…
  • Hmmm. Feels like I am talking to myself but hey, one day there may be someone out there who lets me know something interesting about them. Good news, The Keto G-ds didn't exile me for very long and I am back in the kingdom. Not sure if there are any immediate benefits as the scales are still stubbornly pointing to those…