02drinker Member


  • I dated a guy that made less money than me. He always "forgot" his wallet and I paid for almost everything. He told me when we broke up that his goal was to bankrupt me because I was so proud of building my credit up.
  • YES! I always want to take it off, but then remind myself why I wear it (motivation to keep moving.) I love jewelry .. but only to look at. I have a hard time wearing it unless it's small earrings that I don't notice.
  • I've always been large busted and support is important! But with that said, I've lost enough that I'm down to DD's again. I still have more to lose so I invested in some nice sport bras to get me to my goal. Then I'll go get measured and spend the big bucks for good support once again. In the meantime, I have a couple…
    in Bra size Comment by 02drinker July 2016