goal100determined Member


  • so disappointed that i am not losing weight despite all that effort and in fact gaining weight. i am really sick of myself not being able to have control over this weight.
  • sounds inspiring. keep it up. it's the motivation that counts. I just had a rebound and i have to stick to maintenance. I am back counting calories again. I believe this is the only thing that works for me.
  • Thank you all for your response. It made me think a lot. Living in a society where instant gratification is the norm, we have forgotten to live like natural beings. I realize that I had associated losing weight as pain because I failed so many times. I must change my perspective and look forward to what I will gain and not…
  • thanks for your reply. yes, it's gonna start with tracking. I hope I can continue tracking. Got to discipline myself, which doesn't always work. Well, I better be positive. I will track daily.