thaliamustafa Member


  • Hi! Im glad I found this little thread! I am starting a 30 day challenge today eating keto and running 30 miles (1 for each day). I figured a little support would make it easier to stay on track so here I am! I am 29 (as of yesterday) 5'4 and weigh 156.2 pounds. I would like to get to 140-144 as my husband and I will be…
  • Hi buddies! I am currently 159 (was 165 2 weeks ago) and my goal weight is 140! I am on a low carb high fat diet and switched from crossfit to cardio only this month and i am bored! I almost lost the motivation to keep doing this as I was over the treadmill but part of me knows it's worth looking healthy and being happy. I…
  • I am also trying the low carb high fat diet and it has been easier than i thought! Pinterest is definitely my friend when it comes to whipping up some LCHF meals. Simple things like lettuce wraps over buns, zucchini noodles over pasta, cauliflower mash over potatoes make a difference! I hope your strong desire for the cute…
  • I have been doing Crossfit for 2.5 years and completely understand your view! It's like we feel our body get stronger, but with that the scale goes up as well. The best thing I found to do like everyone says is measure yourself. The scale cant tell you how many inches you lost around you legs, waist, or arms! If you feel…