alexandriite Member


  • I've had the same problem. When it comes to eating during the day just have snack blocks like a banana or smoothie drink or other fruit it'll help add them up and keep u healthy. Even if ur a bit over 1000 you'll be fine we can have up to 1200 for a woman trying to lose weight or to gain muscle 1300 depends on intensity.…
  • Coffee actually speeds up your metabolism - especially black coffee. The stronger the better. For a lower calorie option just go for a teaspoon of coffee, a bit of skimmed milk and honey instead of sugar if u need to sweeten the taste. It won't make you gain weight (I'm a coffee lover and I'm doing fine). If ur into black…
  • Start drinking coconut water. The taste is addicting and you'll start wanting that more than diet coke. It tastes amazing and is 47 calories per 250ml. Coconut is also good for ur stomach, skin, hair and I think nails. I like innocent pure coconut water the most.
  • As you get smaller it takes longer to lose weight so try not to feel defeated about it. What I suggest if u don't do this already is change ur fitness plan, so if u mainly do cardio then start doing more weight training as weight Burns more fat than cardio, an alternative would be insanity: 60 days. This really worked for…
  • Insanity: 60 days it'll help you lose the weight. Try doing it twice or if u get bored after 60 days try p90x or insanity max 30 days. Beach body have really effective workouts and they do work!! Trust me they've helped me a lot.
  • A really good kick-start is Insanity: 60 days. I've lost 16lbs with it. It'll deffo get you closer to losing the 24 you wish to get rid off :)
  • I could help give some tips :) give me a message or something idk how this works.
    in Hi Comment by alexandriite August 2016
  • I hope I could be some help. I've lost 16lbs so far :) and I'd love to hear about ur aspirations and goals! Hopefully it'll motivate me more too
  • Hey I'm new the community part of this app and would love to talk to people who are also going on a weightloss journey. I'm not sure how to add people. So add me if possible :smile: