trying to lose 24lbs!! i need motivation

my name is rachel, i just turned 18 and i weigh 124 and i'm trying to get to 100lbs (i'm really short, 5"0 feet) i need motivation and support, im really unfit, i am trying put for my college cheerleading team but i cant even do a cartwheel, i feel like a loser. i need friends to be my "cheerleaders" and help me feel better about myself and hopefully make the team! i am trying to gain muscle while also losing fat, i go to gyms and gymnastic places to help me. i hope by the end of the year i can reach my goal!


  • lilstry
    lilstry Posts: 120 Member
    Hi I'm Lillian :) let's be cheerleaders haha. Motivation helps loads when you're feeling down. I hope we can be accountability buddies :D
  • alexandriite
    alexandriite Posts: 9 Member
    A really good kick-start is Insanity: 60 days. I've lost 16lbs with it. It'll deffo get you closer to losing the 24 you wish to get rid off :)
  • TomTheDon1982
    TomTheDon1982 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me up I'll help u
  • cfz2314
    cfz2314 Posts: 7 Member
    Walking 30 minutes a day should do the trick.
  • Justn83
    Justn83 Posts: 5,226 Member
    Hey :)