coryrr1 Member


  • I have been IF'ing for about 2.5 months now. I eat between 4pm-12am. I started 16:8 for a month then went to 18:6 like you are now but I just got too hungry so I reverted back to 16:8. If fluids aren't enough to keep me going (until my eating windows begins) I will have a large chilled Gala apple. On the days you workout…
  • Ultimately we all have anxiety over various things in our life. 1) First off, with all due respect don't let your weaknesses define who you are and what you're capable of. 2) Accomplishment = greater self esteem. Find things to do and kill it. With greater accomplishment you will see how much smaller your anxiety really…
  • If you just want to be thinner without an amazing body keep doing cardio only. If you want to look amazing I would do both something like this... 1) Track your macros & calories with an emphasis on protein being 25-30% of your daily intake. 2) Resistance training major muscle groups on alternating days (3x week, 4-5 sets…