Cardio and/or weight training during weight loss, thoughts needed



  • jtegirl
    jtegirl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Lift Heavy
    Eat Clean

    .... this works for me

    although, diet is the biggest part of the equation (imho)

    This! Muscle burns fat 24/7, the more muscle you have, the more fat you'll burn. Also another important thing that most women don't do, make sure you are eating enough. Of the right foods, of course. I eat approx 1500-1800 cals a day and lift. I don't do a lot of cardio and when I'm lifting heavy I don't need much cardio at all to maintain.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    I lift for an hour 4 times a week and do light cardio (walking) on the rest. I'm limited with cardio because my respiratory system can't handle the stress that well. But lifting is fine for me.

    And eat enough protein.
  • king1988
    king1988 Posts: 22 Member
  • barbm04
    barbm04 Posts: 15 Member
    When trying to firm arms, is it better to use 2 lb or 5 lb weights for triceps and biceps? I am a 67 year old female. Thanks?
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    chapiano wrote: »
    You can't really do both at the same time. Lose the fat and your muscles will become more defined as your body fat % drops
    How can one not do both at the same time? Many people are able to do both, while sustaining the muscle mass they have. Perhaps a person may prefer one or the other, but that doesn't mean they CAN'T do both.

    If you're referring to someone running while simultaneously lifting a barbell over their head, please disregard my previous comment. :tongue:
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,912 Member
    barbm04 wrote: »
    When trying to firm arms, is it better to use 2 lb or 5 lb weights for triceps and biceps? I am a 67 year old female. Thanks?

    It's better to use the weight that is challenging for you, while still making it possible for you to just complete a reasonable number of reps/sets with good form. That may be a different weight for your biceps than your triceps, or a different number of reps/sets (my biceps tend to be stronger than my triceps).

    Don't be afraid to lift weights that are heavy to you. At our age (I'm 60), we don't "get bulky" in a negative way. (Personally, I'd be willing to be bulky in order to be strong, if necessary - I figure that "strong" is one of the things that stands between me & an early move to the assisted living facility! ;) )
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm doing both.
    • Weight lifting + adequate protein to preserve as much muscle as possible as I'm losing weight
    • Cardio, so that I can actually eat as much as I'd like
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    barbm04 wrote: »
    When trying to firm arms, is it better to use 2 lb or 5 lb weights for triceps and biceps? I am a 67 year old female. Thanks?

    My 67 yr old females (actually 66, 69, and 74 years old) use 15-20lb weights for biceps and triceps. You have to work up to it, but think heavy, not small.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    In a way, this kind of question is hard for me to process.

    While weight training is a (moderately) specific thing, lots of activities amount to strength training, and will build muscle (though typically not as rapidly as weight training will).

    But I've never been able to figure out this "cardio" idea - there are a million, zillion, billion things that will improve cardiovascular fitness (over doing nothing): How and why do we talk about it as if "cardio" were one thing?!?

    Moreover, some of the "cardio" things are also (to a certain extent) "strength" things: How and why do we talk about them as if cardio & strength were completely separate, never-the-twain-shall-meet things?!? I've never seen a serious cyclist with puny, weak legs, for example. Or a serious hockey player, for that matter. Serious swimmers don't much seem to be skinny-fat, either.

    For me, it's important to be strong, and have good cardiovascular fitness. But there are lots of paths that will reach a reasonable (though clearly sub-elite) level of both. I'm gonna pick the path that's the most fun for me, because that's the one I'll stick with. I know it's just me, but if I thought I had to get on a treadmill or the elliptical daily, I think I'd just Stop Now.

    Mostly, I row (cardio + strength), spin (cardio + a tiny bit of strength), lift in the rowing off-season (strength), and throw in some stretching/yoga (because flexibility is important to me, too - even though it doesn't help a lot with weight loss, other than via the body-awareness route).

    Overall, I agree in principle with the spirit of your remarks. There are many different ways to achieve fitness, staying consistent doing activities you enjoy is usually more important than trying to find the "best" exercise, and there is way too much discussion of "strength vs cardio".

    Just wanted to add that not all exercises are alike. Technically, there is what I call an "aerobic" component to any exercise movement/activity, and a "resistive" component. Usually, they have more of a reciprocal relationship--e.g. The greater the aerobic effect of an activity, the less the strength effect, and vice versa.

    So, the training effect of any given activity (or how a given activity is performed) will depend largely on the condition of the individual. A training effect can only occur when the stimulus is high enough to activate the adaptation process. I agree that most exercise activities are not exclusively "cardio" or "strength". However, they are also not interchangeable, i.e. They will not have the same effects. Running will result in a "strength" increase for a sedentary individual; running up hills will result in a "strength" increase in someone who only runs on the flat; sprinting will result in a "strength" increase in someone who only does endurance running. But those "increases" will plateau very quickly once the runner has adapted to the new stressor, and none of those will have the same effect as heavy squats. It's a similar situation with rowing, cycling, etc.

    It always comes down to understanding the physiological effects of each exercise activity and matching the workout activity and structure to one's individual goals. It is also important not to overly extrapolate the results of elite training to the average exerciser.

  • coryrr1
    coryrr1 Posts: 3 Member
    If you just want to be thinner without an amazing body keep doing cardio only.

    If you want to look amazing I would do both something like this...

    1) Track your macros & calories with an emphasis on protein being 25-30% of your daily intake.

    2) Resistance training major muscle groups on alternating days (3x week, 4-5 sets lifting 70-90% max.)
    (Squats, dead lifts, bench press, pull-ups, push-ups.)

    > Finish each session doing incline treadmill or stairmaster at a good pace. (pulse = 120-140bps; burn at least 200 calories per session or ~20mins)

    3) Drink lots of fluids especially water, and eat complex carbs/veggies, complete proteins and good fats. Keeping everything under your daily caloric average. Yes indulge in sweets occasionally but must stay under daily intake of macros/calories regardless.

    4) For me DIET was the toughest part so understand your weaknesses and think about how great you will feel and how amazing you are going to look as each day goes by and you get closer and closer to looking fantastic.

    5) Get someone knowledgeable or watch youtube to understand the best techniques for your weight/resistance training.

    Gear to buy:

    1: Weight scale (Only check it once after you use the bathroom in the morning. That's it.)
    (After each 7 days calculate your new weekly average.)(At first you will gain muscle so don't fret if you aren't losing on some days or the first few months. Pay more attention to your curves and waist line.)
    2: Food scale (Weight and volume are completely different. Weigh in grams for best accuracy.)
    3: Lifting belt (For deadlifts and squats.)

    Hope this helps.

    Cory R....
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Weight lifting is muscle sparing. Do it!
  • pdm3547
    pdm3547 Posts: 1,057 Member
    KiyaK wrote: »
    If you like weights, do weights. If you like walking, walk. The best exercise is the one you like doing & you will continue to do long term.

    CICO will take care of the scale.

    This. All day long, this.