Add me / msg me if u want. I yearn to lose weight and get closer to God
Our goal is the same. Add me and message me if u want
That's amazing. I would love to know how you have lost, tips, what you are eating, avoiding etc. Add and message me!!!
Feel free to add me
38 here!! Add me if you want
I'm a new SAHM. My little girl will be 4 in Dec. But I just stopped working November 1st. I'm at 253 and goal is 160 to 175. I am 38. Feel free to add me. Any tips would be great.
I'm a new SAHM. My little girl will be 4 in Dec. But I just stopped working November 1st. I'm at 253 and goal is 160 to 175. I am 38. Feel free to add me. Any tips would be great.
I'm a new SAHM. My little girl will be 4 in Dec. But I just stopped working November 1st. I'm at 253 and goal is 160 to 175. I am 38. Feel free to add me. Any tips would be great.
I'm 38 mom of a 3 yr old. As of Nov 1 I'll be a stay at home mom
Fruit, dark chocolate or everything in moderation. Eat a little bit enough to get your sweet tooth gone... not the whole cake ;)
Im the same as you...and seeing myself any different as I always has been is hard. We can do this add me and message me if u want
West Virginia
Ps.... I need the tips too lol
I am a full time working mama, master of business admin student mother of a 3 year old and 38 years old.... :D lol trying to lose 100 lbs...nooooo i dont stress eat at allllllll lol
WV ☺