hypocacculus Member


  • The problem with the amounts of vitamins and minerals stated on food packets is that they are just a generalised value for that foodstuff, not a guarantee that that particular portion contains that amount; it can vary wildly. Furthermore, the way in which you absorb vitamins can be affected by the other foods you have…
  • I would also recommend checking out the FODMAP diet. This is a diet that eliminates "Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols" - basically "soluble fibre" which is all the carbs that your digestive enzymes can't deal with and end up fermenting in your colon with explosive results. This…
  • Of course it is possible - but that doesn't mean it's good. If you try and lose weight only by reducing food intake, (aka starvation) your body will fight you every step of the way. You will find yourself moving less, maybe having an afternoon nap, you'll feel colder, you'll lose muscle mass and you'll definitely get very,…
  • There is no way to determine exactly what calories you are using in reality without the aid of a bunch of technicians and a laboratory; The same goes for weight loss - you cannot know what proportion of your loss was fat, water, or glycogen etc. without specialist equipment. All of these calculators and gizmos help you to…
  • The most obvious question is are you diligently weighing all your food? If not, start now! It is so, so easy to overshoot by a few hundred calories. If you are absolutely certain about your intake and output and your net calories really are as you say, I believe you should definitely be losing fat on that regime. So next,…
  • There's lies, damned lies, then Instagram. The red flag in that first one is the mention of rice; cooked rice is one of the greatest food poisoning risks. If you save it, you are advised to reheat it before you eat it. A seven day old bowl of un-reheated cooked rice is asking for trouble.
  • Funny how nobody can stick at one! :-D
  • How much protein and how low in calories? Are you cooking or does it need to be portable? My favourite strategy is to use green veg to make up bulk, then add protein in the form of fish or eggs.
  • My number one tip is to accept calorie counting as the way to go, get a scale and weigh your food. You don't have to do it forever, but there is no better way to understand the implications of what you are eating.
  • Yep - if your family member won't listen to polite requests, I'd be thinking booby traps by now. But then there is a flaw in my character.
  • I'd take it with an enormous pinch of salt, including that very convincing looking scientific article. It is illegal (in the UK at least) to promote a substance as any kind of health aid until you have a full suite of clinical trials demonstrating efficacy and safety and you've jumped through various legislative hoops.…
  • I have exactly the same problem with sweet things. So many people seem to manage with small daily treats - if I eat them, I just want more. Chocolate I can take or leave, but I'd eat my own weight in Gummi Bears given the chance. My personal solution for sugar, and alcohol for that matter, is cold turkey. I crave for a…
  • As you are already a healthy weight, losing more is going to require you to eat a net amount of 1200 calories a day for weight loss. That's what I'm on and I'm 5'6" and 143lb, so considerably bigger than you! If you are accurately logging your food, you need to start counting exercise calories to make sure you are using as…
  • The MFP calories are totally unreliable as they are input by any Tom, Dick or Harry that chooses to do so. Always believe the label over the MFP list.
  • Fair point and I'm sure very valid for running and cycling. However, if you are a swimmer with no technique.... :-O
  • If you have an eating disorder, I strongly recommend you seek the advice of a health professional who will also be able to help you talk to your mother.
  • Eating probiotics is rather like planting seeds; totally pointless unless the environment you put them in is conducive to growth. And the only way to provide the correct gut environment for a healthy biome is to eat a healthy diet. And if you are eating a healthy diet, you won't need probiotics. There is very little solid…
  • Go for it!
  • Yes, you will have to keep an eye on yourself for the rest of your life. This is the curse of modern living and our cushty life styles. But, as long as you've established a healthy diet and reasonably active lifestyle, you don't have to calorie count every day - just keep an eye on your weight and rein yourself in if it…
  • I used to do a lot of commuting by bike and grew up cycling in London (and survived unscathed!). Saddles are like shoes, it all depends on the individual so you might find it OK. Having said that, what usually happens is that the squishy padding on the saddle fights for space with the squishy parts of you and wins, while…
  • Yes, diet really is about calories in vs calories out. The number one question is are you logging your food diligently, honestly and accurately with a scale? If the answer is no, don't be ashamed, we've all been there. But if not, start now, and use the MFP food log. And yes, eat up to your calorie goal; try not to go over…
  • Detoxing is a myth and it sounds like a load of *kitten* to me... I suspect this medium guy sells celery juice.
  • If you crave deep fried food maybe. Otherwise it's just another gadget cluttering up the work surface. Entertaining review here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/michelleno/philips-airfryer-review
  • Possibly you hit "the wall", or 'bonked' as cyclists call it. Depending on your fed state and fitness, your body can sustain up to a couple of hours of vigorous exercise before it runs out of available carbohydrate and is forced to rely solely on metabolising fat - the transition can be rough. This is why endurance…
  • It is true that nobody will judge you at a gym but there is no need to go to the gym at all. One of the best exercises is simply going for a walk. There are a ton of exercises you can do at home without needing special equipment.
  • If those ravenous days are only one or two days a month, instead of fighting it, why not plan for it and treat them as your regular diet holiday (assuming you are on a diet...?) and allow yourself a little more to eat?
  • Not wishing to flame but what nillagfx says is wrong - losing weight is totally about calories in being less than calories out - you can't defy the laws of physics. What dieting is about is to try and make calorie deficit bearable and as efficient as possible. Fasting is just one strategy of many. People here see will…
  • Assuming you really need to lose a stone, trying to lose weight merely by exercising more is very hard. You are better off coming up with a combined exercise and diet plan. MFP has tools to help you plan your diet based on your activity. Take it steady though, or you will be poleaxed by fatigue. Building muscle and getting…
  • Apparently our brain is one of our most metabolically expensive organs, accounting for 20% of our resting metabolic calorie use. Unfortunately though, it seems that thinking hard doesn't change calorie uptake much, even though it might feel like it does! A nice article in Scientific American here:…
  • I agree that you need a time consuming hobby which keeps your hands busy and your mind off food. Trying to come up with clever eating routines only keeps you thinking about food and reinforces your desire to eat. Thinking about something you can't have is very depressing - you need a distraction! Doing something that gets…