JDRN266 Member


  • OK thanks! I'm new to recomp so still learning. So you're saying I could just eat maintenance every day then? That would be easier to keep up with. Also if I do that should I eat back cardio excercise calories? I do cardio on my non weightlifting days.
  • I'm 5'3'' and lost 20lb in about 4 months, 150lb to 130, now at about 128lb another month and a half later. I totally had to change the way I ate, I completely cut it soda and only drink water now and excercise 3-6 times a week. At night when I meet my calorie goal for the day I just tell myself, sometimes out loud "that's…
  • I needed to read this! I'm in a 2 week rut since my birthday (I gave myself a cheat weekend and can't get back on track, never again!!). I need to re-commit. I think I'm going to try banking some of my calories this week too for the weekend since that is when I seem to have to the most trouble staying on track. Good luck!
  • OK good it sounds like others have been through this too! Sometimes out of 1800 calories daily I'll have 900 in snacks alone! Thanks!!
  • OK looks like I'll just have to try it and see how it works for me. Thanks for the responses!
  • I know it's calories in vs out ultimately, I'm just wondering if my cravings and appetite might be better controlled without all the snacking.