solskin78 Member


  • I have Ednos. I'm trying to beat it, but it's so hard. I sometimes literally cannot eat, I have no desire for food, even though my tummy is hungry. I take pleasure sometimes in surviving the hungry feeling, I know that's not normal, and I wish I wasn't likd that.
  • @comptonelizabeth Yes I agree. I finally got sick of one particular woman who was so obsessed with my 'skinny' frame she would comment on it every time I saw her, and would talk about it to others behind my back, saying I'm sick. One night after a few glasses of wine she asked me again if I was ok, because I was looking…
  • @sarahi_jesus It is so hard to get the food in It's a real effort for me So much easier to skip or eat less, but that's why we're so skinny. I have sensitive taste buds so protein powder makes me sick, but good luck with it.
  • @AliceDark is that true for women, all weight gain will be fat? Regardless of weight lifting? How sad!
  • @comptonelizabeth Have you gained any weight so far on this sort of plan? It's so hard to fit all that food in y tiny body!