Underweight help pls

Hi All
I am wondering if anyone can tell me their experience or advice on the issue of being underweight, and having difficulty gaining weight.
I'm 37, a woman, and have been underweight all my life, BMI 17.5, 43-44kg, and 5.2 height.
I have had 2 children and with both I gained 3 stone, which slowly came off within a year.
I don't exercise, occasionally have done weights to get bigger.
I've tried so many things to gain weight, eating cakes, to eating protein, everything. I counted my calories and used to eat 1200-1400, which shocked me. Since then I've increased to 1800-1900. But still no weight gain. No medical cause.
I don't have an eating disorder, never held the anorexic beliefs, I know I'm awfully skinny, and hate it, I hate how clothes look on me, and hate how people stare at my bony limbs.
Where am I going wrong?
Here's my daily intake:
Breakfast: croissant, orange juice, banana, choc cereal bar
Lunch: pasta in sauce or ham cheese sandwich, large latte, fruit
Dinner: sausages pasta/fries/mash, peas, cheesecake
Snacks: dates with PB, milk one glass, 2 digestive biscuits


  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    swap the orange juice for full fat milk, add nuts and seeds and dried fruit to your snacks, avocado to your sandwich, look at granary or seeded bread, swap the digestives for a flapjack or protein bar.

    All the above. Plus I'd say you're not eating enough protein?
    I sympathise - I was that size for years and even now I'm not much bigger. I hate being skinny and people don't understand.
    Have you tried eating 4 or 5 smaller meals instead of 3? Once I started logging calories I realised I wasn't eating enough because I find it hard to manage big portions. Eating little and often has helped me to increase the overall amount I eat.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    log your food for a while to see where you are really. then add high cal foods as others have mentioned.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Ps if it helps, this is what I've eaten today (I'm 51 kgs and aiming to gain at least another 5kg )
    Breakfast : porridge made with whole milk and added flaxseed; protein shake made with almond milk
    Snack : full fat yoghurt and a banana.
    Lunch : egg mayonnaise sandwich with granary bread;mango and pineapple smoothie.
    Snack : dried cranberries, peanuts
    Dinner : 2 chicken thighs with skin on;new potatoes with butter;mixed green salad and tomatoes with olive oil dressing.
    I've also had a snickers bar and a couple of glasses of wine, not particularly healthy! Plus a hunk of cheddar cheese.
    And even that came to only around 2400 calories.
    Are you tracking your exercise - even just walking?
  • solskin78
    solskin78 Posts: 8 Member
    Have you gained any weight so far on this sort of plan? It's so hard to fit all that food in y tiny body!
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I have gained weight already and have only been doing it for 2 weeks. Yeah it's not easy to start with but it's getting easier. Though right now I'm trying to get down a drink of full fat milk with protein powder - not enjoying it!
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    Ps are you certain there is no medical cause? I was told that by doctors for years - turned out 15 years ago I had (still have )ulcerative colitis. Which may have caused absorption issues. I've gained a bit more weight since my diagnosis.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    solskin78 wrote: »
    Hi All
    I am wondering if anyone can tell me their experience or advice on the issue of being underweight, and having difficulty gaining weight.
    I'm 37, a woman, and have been underweight all my life, BMI 17.5, 43-44kg, and 5.2 height.
    I have had 2 children and with both I gained 3 stone, which slowly came off within a year.
    I don't exercise, occasionally have done weights to get bigger.
    I've tried so many things to gain weight, eating cakes, to eating protein, everything. I counted my calories and used to eat 1200-1400, which shocked me. Since then I've increased to 1800-1900. But still no weight gain. No medical cause.
    I don't have an eating disorder, never held the anorexic beliefs, I know I'm awfully skinny, and hate it, I hate how clothes look on me, and hate how people stare at my bony limbs.
    Where am I going wrong?
    Here's my daily intake:
    Breakfast: croissant, orange juice, banana, choc cereal bar
    Lunch: pasta in sauce or ham cheese sandwich, large latte, fruit
    Dinner: sausages pasta/fries/mash, peas, cheesecake
    Snacks: dates with PB, milk one glass, 2 digestive biscuits

    Honestly, most women I know are gaining at much higher levels of calories than 1800-1900. In fact, A lot of women I work with lose weight at that level. Add another 300 calories on top of that. Below is a good thread that will give you lots of ideas for higher calorie foods. Also, you might want to use this opportunity to add some muscle (through a progressive lifting program) to help improve your body composition, as opposed to getting to a point where you don't like your body and try to fix it after.

  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I tend to agree. Mfa sets my calories at 1980 to gain but I'm adding 200-300 to that.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I tend to agree with the above. The app sets my calories at 1980 but I'm adding 200-300 more at least.
    Also - you may be active (on your feet a lot, always doing something )Even if you're not counting it as exercise.
  • sarahi_jesus
    sarahi_jesus Posts: 10 Member
    Omg guys you have to friend me! I am so happy to know there's people out there than understand me. It sure is hard to find motivation from others. I too am skinny,no health issues or disorders. It's SO hard to find clothes that fit or look nice. And hate when people say" u need to eat more" when they dnt know the struggle.
    I just joined recently and have found this app helpful. I'm new to this but slowly I am tracking my calories. I'm 5.2 in height. And about 86pounds last I checked. I've been trying to eat between 1800 and 2000.but it's hard I must admit. So since I started working out to gain muscle I will start using protein powder to help w calories. We'all see how that goes. Fingers crossed.
  • VividDawn
    VividDawn Posts: 111 Member
    I'm going to do a few friend requests here :)
    My struggle is that with heart failure, I sleep a lot...10 hours during the night, and a couple 2 hour naps during the day. I skip meals because of this.
    I would like a few people to hold me more accountable and say "Hey! Do another snack tomorrow BEFORE your nap!" ;)

    In fact, the sleeping invading on eating time is so bad, I got a feeding tube put in. I get high calorie formula pumped at night. I still need to eat during the day, though!
  • solskin78
    solskin78 Posts: 8 Member
    It is so hard to get the food in
    It's a real effort for me
    So much easier to skip or eat less, but that's why we're so skinny. I have sensitive taste buds so protein powder makes me sick, but good luck with it.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    VividDawn wrote: »
    I'm going to do a few friend requests here :)
    My struggle is that with heart failure, I sleep a lot...10 hours during the night, and a couple 2 hour naps during the day. I skip meals because of this.
    I would like a few people to hold me more accountable and say "Hey! Do another snack tomorrow BEFORE your nap!" ;)

    In fact, the sleeping invading on eating time is so bad, I got a feeding tube put in. I get high calorie formula pumped at night. I still need to eat during the day, though!

    Could you set an alarm? You're supposed to be able to do this on the app but it never seems to work for me.
    solskin78 wrote: »
    It is so hard to get the food in
    It's a real effort for me
    So much easier to skip or eat less, but that's why we're so skinny. I have sensitive taste buds so protein powder makes me sick, but good luck with it.

    I use an unflavoured protein powder and mix it with chocolate almond milk
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    And next time someone tells me I'm skinny and asks why I don't eat more, I'm tempted to ask them why they don't eat less!
  • solskin78
    solskin78 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes I agree. I finally got sick of one particular woman who was so obsessed with my 'skinny' frame she would comment on it every time I saw her, and would talk about it to others behind my back, saying I'm sick. One night after a few glasses of wine she asked me again if I was ok, because I was looking too skinny, I replied 'would you say to X omg what's wrong with you, you've put on weight, why are you getting so fat, are you sick' she never mentioned it again.
  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited September 2016
    solskin78 wrote: »
    Yes I agree. I finally got sick of one particular woman who was so obsessed with my 'skinny' frame she would comment on it every time I saw her, and would talk about it to others behind my back, saying I'm sick. One night after a few glasses of wine she asked me again if I was ok, because I was looking too skinny, I replied 'would you say to X omg what's wrong with you, you've put on weight, why are you getting so fat, are you sick' she never mentioned it again.

    It's really insensitive - some of us skinnies actually are sick! I try not to let it get to me but don't blame you for saying what you did. Why do people feel the need to comment on anyone's size,whether they're underweight or overweight? It's none of their damn business!
  • VividDawn
    VividDawn Posts: 111 Member
    VividDawn wrote: »
    I'm going to do a few friend requests here :)
    My struggle is that with heart failure, I sleep a lot...10 hours during the night, and a couple 2 hour naps during the day. I skip meals because of this.
    I would like a few people to hold me more accountable and say "Hey! Do another snack tomorrow BEFORE your nap!" ;)

    In fact, the sleeping invading on eating time is so bad, I got a feeding tube put in. I get high calorie formula pumped at night. I still need to eat during the day, though!

    Could you set an alarm? You're supposed to be able to do this on the app but it never seems to work for me.

    Yeah, I could never get the MFP alarms to work for me, either. Alarms on my phone are sometimes ignored LOL I'm getting better about eating, though... it's just so annoying to always have to stop whatever you're doing every 2 hours to get something to eat. Spending 15 minutes, 6 times a day, is like 2 hours of your day just eating! And that's not including the food prep to go with it. Bleh...
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Oh, I can't stand it when people feel like it's okay to comment on how skinny I am. It's like, "Thanks for the news flash." I have a chronic illness, so I am on a specialized diet. It irritates me even more when people think I should "eat more". I didn't ask for the advice, plus it's worthless anyway. MFP is helping make sure I get all my nutrients in first since I struggle absorbing them, but I am figuring out how implement easy ways to add more calories as well.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I was told by someone that I was lucky wheni hit BMI 16.5 during a crohn's flare and they wished they had crohn's. Um no you don't!
    Hamsibian wrote: »
    Oh, I can't stand it when people feel like it's okay to comment on how skinny I am. It's like, "Thanks for the news flash." I have a chronic illness, so I am on a specialized diet. It irritates me even more when people think I should "eat more". I didn't ask for the advice, plus it's worthless anyway. MFP is helping make sure I get all my nutrients in first since I struggle absorbing them, but I am figuring out how implement easy ways to add more calories as well.