Ramekins are also really good for ice cream I’ve found - they make a 50g -ish serving look quite substantial
I’ve got a day of sitting and eating today - 6-7 hours of travel for an in-law’s birthday meal. The NSV? I got up and had a run by the sea to offset some of the (pre-logged) calories. It was drizzly and grey but marvellous 🙂
Personally I use ‘not very active’ and let Fitbit do the rest. That way if you have a lazier day you’re not overeating, and if you are super active that just adds more calories to your total.
I was in the same boat when I started here and also wanted clarity on how to account for variable levels of activity etc. The most helpful idea (for me) I read was to enter your activity level as ‘not very active’ then use a linked fitness tracker to add in extra calories for daily steps and activity. This was…
Got up at 5 and went for a run - don’t even recognise myself 😆
That you’ll get to a stage when it feels weird not to exercise. I went for a dawn run by the sea this morning and it felt fantastic (well aside from it still being really hard 😆) I’m not sure when I turned into the kind of person who runs before work for fun but I’ll take it!
I’d second the advice above. C25K is a great way to begin, and don’t be afraid to repeat days or weeks as necessary before moving on if you need it. You may find (as I did) that it’s your tendons rather than your joints that don’t want to play ball at first. Take it slow and listen to your body and you should be fine.
That you’ll actually want to exercise and the issues with your knees and back ache in the morning will pretty much go away. That you’ll get ill less often - I work in education and always used to catch things off the kids. That hardly seems to happen anymore
Another vote for Zombies, run - good story, voice acting and motivation
The scale hasn’t really changed much in the last few months but the resistance training must actually be paying off - I noticed yesterday that I have a smooth waistline again - that middle age muffin has finally gone 💪
Made it back to the gym after a fortnight off with a yukky virus - it felt good to do something more strenuous than walking 👍
Nice NSV 👏
A cashier asked me if I was over 25 when I was buying wine at Sainsbury’s 😆 I’m 53… Maybe she just does that to cheer up women of a certain age but still made me laugh
- I love front-zipped M&S sports bras for that very reason. Very comfortable and no sweaty contortions necessary
Welcome back 💪
I wore one of my pairs of goal jeans today - the first time they’ve fit since before the first lockdown in April 2020. A bit tighter than I’d like when sitting down but still okay 🙂 now there’s just the other pair that have no stretch at all in them to conquer 💪
I made my step goal by marching round the flat today - I’m still in isolation after a bout of covid so this is the first time in a while I’ve hit 10,000
The rollercoaster is real - here’s my last 6 years. Currently working on getting it back downhill…
Trying to eat more fibre - reaching for an apple instead of a hobnob biscuit etc.
How much you’ll spend buying cute new clothes…
The pool at my gym is so tiny that it’s full with 2 or 3 people in it. So no change for me really
It was cold, dark and drizzly by the time I’d finished work and I realised I’d forgotten my gym card so had to go home first to get it. My first NSV is that I got to the gym rather than using the excuse to stay at home under a blanket. My second one is that I ran for 30 minutes despite feeling like my legs were made of…
Another vote here for Zombies, Run! - wanting to continue the story is a great motivator, even when doing the same run over and over.
“Watch out you don’t gain it back, you don’t want to go through all that again.” Thanks a lot 😆. The annoying thing is that I have gained half of it back over the last 2 lockdowns...
I'm on track too - just counting runs. I only signed up for 350 miles but am aiming for 500 now, injury permitting
I'm at almost a year too - started C25K last March (and restarted twice after Achilles injuries) and am sometimes in that magical 'I could just keep going' space. Still often in the When Will This Be Over camp as well though...
Fantastic - you look great!
Briana is looking into it. She asked for @seestephierun's last name to find her, which I don't know. Will wait and see if it can be done without that - we're in different time zones - will update when I know more. We're getting there @kit_katty!
Apparently the team captain can transfer their role, that doesn’t really help us though