osdvolii Member


  • I use a food scale to "keep me honest" about my calorie consumption as part of eating to gain. When I got it I was shocked to discover that my morning bowl of cereal was 120 calories- not 300 liked I'd estimated. Food scales are also great for accuracy in baking, plus using it helps you calculate the calories in the recipe…
  • I've used boost plus to gain for health reasons, and it definitely worked. If you currently eat enough to maintain adding a boost plus a day should help you gain a little over a half pound a week. Personally it's not my favorite, but when my weight gets under 115 I force myself to drink one a day. But if you like the taste…
  • I actually have a meal labeled second Breakfast in my food diary. Though because of my Parkinson's meds my first Breakfast ends up being more of a snack than a meal. I love the Lord of the rings :)