mackkierae Member


  • I didn’t realize religion was a prerequisite for friendship. Hopefully you find the group you’re looking for. Best 😊
  • Another private feed/private account...great work trolling on a site designed to help with weight loss/better healthful living. I like your meme skills, but possibly the wrong platform? Good luck with your journey 😊
  • Private feed/private account? Interesting characteristics of a troll. I hope the internet helps answer this question for you. Good luck with your journey 😊
  • I don’t use KIK ! It crashes so much on my phone. Sorry friend ❤️
  • ^^^YES! Would love to have a comfortable warm buzz with you. And netflix with yummy snacks.
  • Thank you for you kindness and encouragement. I think it will take some time to get me back on the scale, but you are right - I shouldn’t judge myself. Thank you and best of luck ❤️
  • I totally forgot about this method!! Thank you! I actually did start this when I started gaining weight from the keto diet. I was so frustrated with myself and the scale that I took some measurements...maybe it’s time to revisit my tape measure! Thank you!! And best of luck ❤️
  • Hey there! I think this strategy sounds great, as long as it works for you. I think it is important to go off track for a short period of time, so you can trick your metabolism. I did that for a week after I graduated (about 3 weeks ago) and it really did my body wonders. I also feel more motivated to keep going. Maybe a…
  • Don’t get discouraged! Take a one day at a time. If you were a big protein eater before this diet shift, maybe set small daily goals to lower the intake. Maybe down 2-4g a day? That might make the diet change less intense and more manageable ❤️ best of luck! I’m rooting for you! -Mac
  • I feel like a “virtual hug” will have to suffice for now. Thank you so much for this beautiful encouragement. I hope to one day overcome these fears, as I seemingly can pin-point where they stem from, how they’ve manifested and where I am in the face of them now. And beat to you! We are all in this together❤️
  • Yes to this (as well)! You’re so right and I think for individuals like yourself, this would be super constructive and work well for you. For a while I tried keto (it did not work for my only caused me to gain weight), which requires a lot of protein and very minimal carbs. In part of doing keto, I ate a lot of…
  • This!!! You’re so right. Thank you. And congrats on this journey. Congrats on 3 days without weighting yourself. You’re a rockstar, and I can’t wait to see how far you come! Thanks again for the kindness❤️
  • Hi pretty❤️ I just wanted to start by saying congratulations on your AMAZING progress. You’re incredible and are a great inspiration to MFP friends but also those around you IRL! So seriously, keep up the great work. With that being said, don’t fret! Your MFP app can be easily adjusted to get you to where you want to be in…
  • To me, you are moderately-active to active. I think as long as you do all of this everyday, you will maintain a significant activity level. Keep up the great work❤️
  • Hey Madison! I’ve been on here for a while with my partner, who easily jumped into this wonderful community. I’m more of a wade the waters type of person, but I would love to be friends ❤️