fatmonsters Member


  • Lots of us have been there or are there. There are sober living and less alcohol a day at a time threads on the challenges forum here, and they have lists of resources. This is how I came across the naked mind (Annie Grace’s free 30 day alcohol experiment)- if you don’t feel like you want to make the effort for AA or…
  • I used to get sick all the time. I got so sick one time that it was the thing that led me to cut back on drinking and lose weight. Interesting to me was that I just stopped getting sick after I lost a bunch of weight and got Healthy and avoided getting a cold all last year.
  • Starting wt this month: 149.2 Goal wt this month: 143 (back to where I was before summer & vacations) 9/11 - 147.4 Better late than never! May weigh in every few days.
  • I’m definitely similar and find that mixing it up by working out elsewhere a day a week helps - like at home on the family room floor, or more often jogging or walking outside. Maybe try that for those other days. It may not satisfy your trainers desire to do a variety of things when you get into the gym that day, but it…
  • July Start Weight: 145.5 July Goal Weight: 139 Ultimate Goal Weight: 115 July 1: 145.5 July 8: 145 July 15: July 22: July 29: July 31:
  • Ugh- after many months of weight loss, my weight is beginning to trend upwards these past few months even though I was taking a maintenance break. I need to get back on the weight loss wagon and get serious again. July Start Weight: 145.5 July Goal Weight: 139 Ultimate Goal Weight: 115 July 1: 145.5 July 8: July 15: July…
  • This is exactly me. I was looking for some inspiration out of my funk and feeling self defeated for having eaten and drank so much the past week and gained a few pounds, and found your post. Let’s not give up! Just get back to doing what we know how to do... it’s a journey.
  • It could be a variety of things. See an orthopedist or get a referral to one from your primary. The ortho can take xrays and tell you what’s up. If they think you need PT (and you may due to certain muscles being weak around your knees), they’ll write a prescription for PT. PT helped quite a bit with my PFS, as did working…
  • Original weight June 2018: 185 Current weight: 149 Week one: 148.1 Week two: 145 Week three: 145.9 Week four: 144.4 Week five: 144.6 Week six: 143.7 Week seven: 143.2 Easter (spring break) goal: 139
  • Original weight June 2018: 185 Current weight: 149 Week one: 148.1 Week two: 145 Week three: 145.9 Week four: 144.4 Week five: 144.6 Easter (spring break) goal weight: 139 A little nervous the scale went up slightly and I need to look at my tracking for the last week to figure it out. Next week I have travel and a…
  • Omg! You’re almost at Easter goal!!!
  • A 6 week challenge could be good coming off this two month one (or a super short one for Mother’s Day like another poster suggested). Just like a top up that would set us up for summer! So maybe just a couple of pounds to aim for, since as I approach goal (125) each pound is a tougher fight and seems to take longer.
  • @brittlb07 I was thinking the same thing! If I make goal at Easter, then I want to lose another 15 and need a second challenge! Summer Bodies challenge? After all it will be the months heading from Easter into pool season...
  • Week four: 144.4 This challenge is keeping me doubly accountable - love it!
  • I pay for a trainer 2x/week- I needed accountability and was a total noob in the gym. Would have gotten nothing out of going to the gym without the trainer and may have even stopped going in the earlier days. So I say go for it! Sometimes it’s worth if it if you get a good trainer that you connect with. And I have seen a…
  • Week three: 145.9 As expected the scale went up after recovering, but still down from week one, so I’ll take it! Gotta keep the momentum going, which is sooo hard..,
  • When I did FODMAP, I got a book called Healthy Gut, Flat Stomach (maybe your library has it), which laid out a diet plan for elimination and reintroduction. I followed it when I did it, and found it useful.
    in IBS :( Comment by fatmonsters March 2019
  • Hey OP, I discovered the Sober Squad and a second moderate drinking thread in Mfp. Through that I discovered Annie Grace and the 30-day alcohol experiment (free). You have nothing to lose and everything to gain- it will help I believe with moderation or abstinence if you so choose, and give you new eyes to look at your…
  • Original weight June 2018: 185 Current weight: 149 Week one: 148.1 Week two: 145 Easter (spring break) goal weight: 139 So, a big drop this week but can’t take all the credit as I’m recovering from a nasty stomach bug. 🤢 I am expecting the scale may actually go up next week!
  • Original weight June 2018: 185 Current weight: 149 Week one: 148.1 Easter (spring break) goal weight: 139
  • Original weight June 2018: 185 Current weight: 149 Easter (spring break) goal weight: 139
  • Same as another poster- trying Dry January for the first time and its making me gain. Still planning on sticking with it for the month...
  • Perhaps increase your daily calorie goal so the day isn’t as restrictive overall. Second the protein recommendations above. If you are binging at home during the day, then leave your house and go out. It’s more unlikely you’ll binge at work or at the library etc. when you’re around others. Move yourself physically away…
  • Young kids, long commute, crazy mornings here. I usually just have a coffee as I get them and me ready. I either eat a yogurt with some granola thrown in or prepack that and eat it at work or on my commute. Get things that can travel with you to work and eat them there. If you want eggs, you can make hard boiled and eggs…
  • Second the suggestion about finding a treatment team. You are being unreasonably hard on yourself. You are not eating enough and your body is responding to that.
  • Good idea. Don’t overdo it based on your excitement for weight loss (I am kinda the same way). The best way to keep going For the long haul is to stay injury free. Even overdoing treadmill work can lead to knee irritation.
  • Also pcos. Diagnosis confirmed through transvaginal ultrasound by my OBGYN. He also prescribed my metformin when trying to conceive. It only suppressed appetite for a while but no weight loss that was noticeable. Only took it for that. Also struggled/struggling with all the attendant PCOS issues. The only thing that has…
  • I have received the same exact response (treating odd, looking me up and down) in response to them noticing recent weight loss- not by men but just women (and ones I am related to no less!). Anyway, it is what it is and I believe you. People who are healthy will be proud of you; those who feel insecure about themselves may…
  • I have a schosche rythym (original not the waterproof one) and it was under 100 (think I spent around 60 on mine). It’s a HRM without a display so you pair to an app. I pair it to my gym’s app that has my personalized heart rate zones but I also pair to the polar bear app. Have had it a few months and I like it just fine.…