GottaBurnEmAll Member


  • Old Philly native here. Cheeze Whiz on cheesesteaks is a relatively recent "thing" and even though I don't even eat them any more, it can get off my lawn. Legit cheesesteaks should have provolone cheese on them. :p
  • Another member of it only needs 1/2 - 1 teaspoon club in a skillet. I've roasted whole pans of vegetables with as little as 1/2 teaspoon of oil and still had a nice caramelizaton happening, and for some veggies, no oil at all is needed to roast if you're using parchment. I usually do oil free roasting for meal prep when I…
  • I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian, but I do eat a lot of vegan meals. I will concur that focusing on fiber and protein will likely improve your feelings of satiety. Pinterest can really be your friend here for bean and vegetable recipes. A lot of them are easy one pot meals. If time is a factor, there are tons for slow cookers…
  • Oh I'm not alone with the silly "gaining according to the trending app when I'm really losing" thing! This was a stumbling block for me back the first time that it happened and I got into a bad place because of it. It took some time, reading, and reflection to work my way out of it. Collecting data in a spreadsheet,…
  • I have a pretty high carb diet, so switching to maintenance is really a non-issue for me if I'm eating enough fiber to keep things, um, regular. There's maybe a pound or so added to my normally wildly fluctuating weight, but that calms down after a few days.
  • My entire body shape had changed drastically when I got down to a size 4 compared to what it was when I was a size 12. A garment that I thought would have looked nice on my figure at size 12 would not have necessarily looked good on my size 4 figure because of this. In fact, I had a really hard time shopping for clothes…
  • I ate +200 over maintenance yesterday too. I was down .2 of a pound this morning. I was already in a mini-whooshing trend though, which is something that happens to me. I also am coming out of a period where my overall trend had Happy Scale thinking I was gaining. That's how weird my fluctuations are. Mine are greatly…
  • When you get down to the territory of the last 5-10 pounds or are just losing vanity weight, weekly weigh ins are not going to paint any kind of accurate picture and if you're lacking in patience in any way, you're never going to reach goal. Understanding that you're going to have fluctuations that mask your losses is…
  • There are reasons, as Lillymoo noted, for very active people to call themselves sedentary when they're not for purposes of syncing. Even though I'm active throughout the day and usually get 30K steps, I'm set to sedentary because I go to bed early and since all adjustments are predictive, end up getting 200 or so calories…
  • True story: the roots of the fat acceptance movement go back to fat fetishism. The first group to promote fat acceptance was founded by a man who had a feeding fetish.
  • Honestly, get a stick blender! They are so wonderful. After she had her wisdom teeth out, our daughter lived on mashed potatoes and creamed soups. We make our creamed soups by simmering veggies in small amount of broth and then pureeing them with cottage cheese with a stick blender. The idea is to keep the amount of broth…
  • Not the same thing. There are other ways to manage one's weight besides using MFP. For people with eating disorders, obsessing over calories and counting them can be a big part of their issues. To the OP... I hope you seek professional help. The thing that most concerned me in your original post was seeing how low your…
  • It's so funny how everyone is different. I'm fine with onions, garlic and beans. But yeah, raw veggies are a big no. And nuts and seeds? Oh bigger no.
  • I have very confusing weight trends, and sometimes trending apps show my trend as me gaining (in the short term) when I'm losing. It's really disheartening. I keep a spreadsheet in addition to using a trending app and can see over the longer haul the bigger picture of my overall trend because of my silly weight…
  • That hasn't been my experience. I love diet soda and drink it all the time without experiencing cravings.
  • Well that's really disappointing. Butterfinger was my favorite too.
  • This is the case for me as well. I have to struggle to not over-restrict in a rush to lose weight or a panicky feeling like the process isn't working, because I know when I do that, I will eventually start to feel the urge to binge. As long as I am eating at a reasonable deficit and foods that have a good mix of the macros…
  • I'm like Novus. I tend to eat the same veg over and over, but I like quite a few different veg so I figure I cover most of my nutritional bases. Lately I've been focusing on making sure I rotate through my favorites more often AND get more variety each day. I don't get much variety when it comes to fruit this time of year.…
  • Is there a particular reason you've chosen to low carb? Low carb, when done to optimize nutrition, is essentially meats, some dairy, vegetables, eggs, nuts, and fats. Some people can fit in some berries too. If you want more than that, maybe low carbing isn't for you.
  • My kids love white chocolate and I got them some Valrhona Dulcey one year for Christmas. They positively *swooned* over the stuff. They're not crazy over nuts so haven't even tried the Hershey's Gold.
  • Sorry to hear about your pipes, lemur!
  • So then your body wouldn't be working as designed. Because a normally designed body uses insulin to open cells to circulating glucose, so there's no "chronically" high blood glucose. A body with, say, IR is another story.
  • It's concerning that a normal scale fluctuation affected you that much. If you don't understand that things like disturbed sleep, more salt, a higher than usual day of activity, or a higher than usual intake of carbs can cause swings in water weight that are only temporary without feeling like it's going to trigger bad…
  • If you want them soft, leave out the baking soda. This recipe also works with some other nut butters if they're not runny. I made it once with macadamia nut butter and coconut flakes mixed in. Those were mind blowing.
  • Older and shorter, and all I can say is that being accurate and conscientiously compensating for any age-related slow down in daily activity go a long way towards making weight loss just as easy as it ever was. Read the forum stickies in the general diet section for tips on how to log accurately. Once you have accurate…
  • I did IF for years because it suited my natural hunger patterns. Then it stopped suiting my natural hunger patterns. There's really no benefit to IF for you if you naturally wake up starving and like to eat in the morning. Your weight is determined by the overall balance of calories in vs. calories out, not by when you eat…
  • I don't think the risks are inherent in the methods themselves. I think the risks of eating disorders are probably more personality/individual based and would likely manifest in one way or an other that might not even necessarily revolve around eating/body issues. Methods of restriction are just tools. You can use them in…
  • I'd be wary of any commercial sugar free sweets for other reasons unrelated to carb content. Just sayin'. Saying that, I do know that Lily's chocolate is sweetened with stevia and in small quantities that are carb/calorie appropriate, should be fine on a keto plan.
  • I didn't ever really start seeing myself at my new weight until I started dreaming of myself that way, and that was about a year and a half after reaching what's my goal range (I'm still losing, just playing with vanity pounds now). This was after losing 90 pounds. I still looked in the mirror and just couldn't see myself…