jankig Member


  • I agree with ahoy_m8. Just log your food for a week or two, don't restrict calories. You and I have a very similar story. I always have an all or nothing attitude towards food, extreme eating. I was on a couple of weight loss challenges. And lost the weight. But felt so deprived and restricted that I rebelled against it…
  • I've always have had issues with my weight, up and down my whole life. I lost a bunch of weight earlier this year on a weight loss challenge through my gym. It was a very restrictive diet with 5 protein choices, 5 veggie choices, and 4 Carb choices. No fat, no dairy no fruits. For 6 weeks. I lost the weight quick but felt…
  • I need motivational help too. Let keep each other accountable!!
  • I find that planning your meals are imperative to staying on track (of course, I myself forget this often. Lol) "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"