jaspannu Member


  • Add more fibers to your food. Eat prunes or drink prune Juice. And drink plenty of water daily
  • I am sorry but He is an *kitten*. If he cannot love you the way you are today, he will never love you. Love is not that belongs to a body else why the world sole-mate exists. and yeah fitness is for you it is not for anyone. Get if if you want to and if he start liking you (Once you become fit) then kick his *kitten* and…
  • Situations comes and GOES. Staying healthy is an another part every one should do it. BUT STAYING HAPPY is most important. You should always do it. If you are happy everyhing will follow you, Except extra fat :) You have already did it once. You know the key so lets DO IT, one more time. Enjoy your day
  • A big bowl of watermelon and half cup of pomegranate
  • Freshie on MFP. Need friends who wants to loose weight, active on MFP, need motivation and get me motivated and luv challenges,. I will not say tha we will grow together. But we will loose together. :)
  • May be you need to add 1 or 2 cheat days (Change days in week not always weekend) in your diet routine. it will make you metabolism confuse. Your body will not go into starving state and you will keep on loosing with controlled diet.. Also make sure you do not do same kind of exercise every day. All body needs A change.
  • For less Suger, I suggest to JUST watch out your food and you will learn that what food you should not eat in the same day. For example i do not eat watermelon, cantaloupe and peach on the same day they are high in suger, I normaly take coffee with NO Suger. or i will watch my food plan and adjust my suger intake…