djlite3470 Member


  • i am in the same boat i am keeping under 1900 calories per day but its the carbs i need to keep of so i keep them down to about 50-100g per day , i got to the gym 5 times a week and do three days of weight training and 5 days of cardio which is just a 3k jog on the tredmill , i do about 30-50 crunches per day lifting about…
  • hi becky i am in the same boat as you but as a guy most of my fat is around the belly , i have joined a gym and started a really healthy diet and have lost 7 pound in two weeks. my advise is this try to walk or jog for about 30 mins a day which will burn about 200 - 250 calories and keep your carbs down to about 135g a day…