patrickaa5 Member


  • True. At some point we just have to decide what we want to choose to believe, because there will always be studies, evidence, opinions that state what we believe isn't right - no matter what.
  • Interesting read. Thanks for the link. The quote below pretty much sums up what I think about all of the scientific studies (and conclusions). What are you supposed to believe? “Almost every single nutrient imaginable has peer reviewed publications associating it with almost any outcome,” John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor…
  • I weigh daily and log on Mondays and Wednesdays. I probably should just log one day a week, but it's interesting to see the differences. Wednesdays are almost always lower than Mondays due to eating out on weekends.
  • I went off track seriously for about a week between Christmas and New Years. I continued to track calories, but ate everything in sight. I was basically testing the limits of MFP's calorie calculator. I gained 7lbs. As of yesterday, I was back to where I was before Christmas, so I guess that's good. I didn't have any real…
  • I go to the doctor next week and will have my blood workup done then. I'll be curious to see if there is a change in my lipid panel. I'll also be curious to see if my doctor even notices. I am borderline pre-diabetic with BG around 100. I also have mild coronary artery disease (clogged arteries) and moderate disease in the…
  • Well, after only 5 days back on plan, all 7lbs I gained have gone away. I knew it would be almost all water weight since I was on a high sodium, carb fest for a full week. I guess now I can get back to losing some actual fat.
  • Update: of the 7lbs I gained over Christmas/New Years, about 4 of those lbs went away the first 4 days. I'm hoping that after a full week back on plan I'll be within a pound or two of where I was at before my diet break.
  • I've been keeping track in a spreadsheet my weekly calories using the weekly report on MFP. My 168 day TDEE average is 2,771. It started out around 2,950 the first month and has decreased to 2,600 due to the weight I've lost (45lbs). I'm still at 250lbs so that 2,600 TDEE is a reasonably accurate number. Currently, I'm…
  • I gained 7lbs during the 7 days between Xmas and New Years. My hope is that about 4 or 5 of those lbs will go away by next weigh in (next Monday). I did log everything during that time, but averaged almost 3,000 calories per day. My maintenance is around 2,500 calories, so I shouldn't have gained more than a pound or two…
  • I'm in! I'm going to up the goal to 16lbs since I should be able to continue losing at 2lbs/week. HW 295 CW 256 GW 240
  • I'm pretty much taking the whole week off since I'll have various family in town until 12/31 - which will mean eating out a lot and a bunch of desserts. I will continue to log, however. Last couple of days have been a sugar fest, but overall calories have been in the 2,700 range so I shouldn't gain a lot of actual fat.…
  • I've lost about 50lbs doing no "intentional" exercise. But, I've found that losing the weight has allowed me to do more "unintentional" exercise like gardening, raking leaves, etc. I just feel a little more energetic. I plan on starting an exercise program this Spring after I get a little closer to goal. But, to answer…
  • I can gain a pound just by stepping off my scale and immediatly stepping back on. I don't count those. If the second weighing shows a loss, I will gleefully accept the fact that I lost weight by burning calories by stepping off/on the scale.
  • Right. I tend to get a lot of advice telling me my doctors don't know anything and are in bed with Big Pharma, etc and to not listen to them. Usually, this advice is from someone on the internet that read the latest book (filled with studies!) and believe every word of it. I've read a lot of studies myself about my heart…
  • My stupid scale figures I weigh about a pound heavier if I step on with my right foot first. So, I fixed that by always stepping with my left foot. Easy way to lose a pound. Just this morning, I weighed myself 4 times within about 2 minutes and weighed different each time. Up to 2 lbs different! I'm getting a new scale.…
  • What is considered Low Carb vs Keto? I'm planning to do a 6 week low carb test in January as a follow-up to my 6 month CICO diet I've been on in which I've averaged 1,740 calories per day. I plan on keeping my calories at the same level (and keeping track), but lowering Carbs and see what the result will be. It's unlikely…
    in Keto Comment by patrickaa5 December 2018
  • Hmm, I don't recall mentioning the OP post in my reply. I agree that what my cardiologist says to me doesn't have anything to do with the OP. The OP and everyone else on this thread should feel free to eat all the eggs they want. Just trying to give a slightly different view point. Tough crowd.
  • My cardiologist still recommends not overconsuming eggs. He wants me to limit to one a day. He's familiar with the new studies, but I guess is being cautious. I have heart disease, so I guess I'll just play it safe and stick with what he says. Love eggs, though!
  • Congratulations! That's my goal also. I'm half way there and have another 44lbs to go. Honestly, if I could just get to that point I'd be thrilled and most of my health related goals would be met. I don't really care to be "thin", but it would be nice to not be obese (after starting out morbidly obese).
  • My scale does the same thing. Today I got 4 different weights in about 30 seconds. Almost a pound between the high and low. I've been averaging, but probably should just get a new scale.
  • From what I've read, most Biggest Losers have gained back weight and some have gained back all of the weight. What they went through to lose the weight is not sustainable for the vast majority of people. Starving yourself and exercising 6-8 hours every single day will result in dramatic weight loss. No way to keep that up…
  • I pretty much "pigged out" Wednesday thru Sunday, but kept track of everything. I was up 3lbs Monday morning, but I'm already back down to where I was to begin with. Doesn't take that long to lose that excess water and undigested food.
  • I'm not sure how many calories MFP suggests. Early on I manually changed the calories to 1,600. How do I update that back to see what MFP suggests? I can't seem to get it to go back to the MFP suggestion.
  • I'll be tracking. More out of morbid curiosity than anything else. Since this is my first Thanksgiving of tracking calories, it will be interesting to know just exactly how badly I pig out. My guess is probably 4,000 cals, but we'll see.
  • I've probably weighed a dozen of these meals over the last couple of months and so far almost all of them have ended up LOWER than the package states. I didn't adjust the calories downward when posting on MFP, but maybe I should?
  • I take an OTC Ranitidine every night. Back when I was overeating, I would sometimes have to take a second in the middle of the night. I haven't had to do that since starting eating better. Still, the few times I forgot to take my pill, I regretted it by the middle of the night - regardless of how much or what I'd eaten. I…
  • I did something similar in my 98,000 Calorie Diet. Over the course of 8 weeks, I planned on eating 1,750 calories per day (on average). Based on my beginning TDEE of around 2,850, I figured I should lose (on average) around 2 pounds per week (or a total of 16lbs). My results: I actually ate right at 98,000 calories and…
  • The book I'm reading "You - On a Diet" stated something to the effect that not eating past 12 hours will decrease you metabolism by 40%. The book was co-written by Dr. Oz. The good Dr. Oz wouldn't lie to me, would he? The book was written in 2009. That might have been before he started peddling snake oil on TV every day.…
  • Yes, they always measure the left arm. The same as I do at home.
  • I'm a bit of a numbers geek, so I try to make goals based on numbers. I'm almost finished with The 98,000 Calorie Diet. Seven weeks ago I calculated my TDEE based on actual calories and weight loss before that date. I figured if I eat 98,000 calories over 8 weeks (1,750/day), I should lose 16lbs. Just finished week 7 at…