Add me, always looking to help motivate!
Always looking to help. Add me!
What is your current eating and exercise situation like?
I saw this on Opera once but there was a mother who would use her son as a weight. For instance doing squats with him or a mock bench press. As her son got older she got stronger. Now I don't know how old your children are but hey it might work!
Add me too, always looking to help and motivate
I would definitely recommend starting off with body weight exercises to get your body used to the concept of lifting. To be honest you don't need heavy weights at all but instead focus on your time under tension which help help develop muscle a lot. For instance when doing a pushup take a slow and controlled approach by…
Hey good luck on your journey. I myself have a ton to learn but always loving helping out others. I hope we can be resources for each other for motivation and knowledge!
Hey guys, add me. I'm always looking to motivate and get motivated by others to build a positive community