feel free to add , looking for friends and support.. we all know the journey is much shorter when you have company.
make friends , stay motivated . unlike ww , mfp encourages fitness as well , enjoy ... make friends , stay motivated
feel free to add me !
the greatest feat of strength was more of a journey to overcome the pain, after breaking and dislocating my right wrist which was screwed back together and also having a fractured elbow it was difficult to curl a broomstick. after working my way through the range of motion with light weights , I joined the gym and…
no better time then now. every calorie not eaten is one you don't have to burn..
great job man keep up the diet ! one fast way to reduce sodium is sweat and water..
I let myself slip back all the way to the bottom.. just dusted myself off and ready to climb back to the top.. everyone with me !
I am finally back as well , welcome .. support is always here .. friend requests welcome