jyanco0503 Member


  • So after some research and guidance from forum members I have decided to go with the Wendker (5/3/1) program. Today I went to the gym and obtained my 1 rep max on bench press squat dead lift and military press (barbell). 225lbs bench press 225lbs squat (felt I could get a bit more, not much, maybe 10-20lbs. But my knees…
  • Thank you for the responses. Maybe the way I wrote down my workout makes it look all over. But it's simply. Chest one day. Back next day. Arms next day Shoulders and legs. One day rest. Or two depending on work / life. Then start over again. No matter what day it is. But I will take the advice and look into the programs…
  • Thank you filbo. The more you know. I will consider the split so I can work out the muscles twice. Thank you for the insight.
  • I typed all this on my cell phone. Bad grammar and english due to typos and auto correct and little time to fix errors.
  • And for legs not much but Leg press 3x10 225, 225, 315. Leg curls 3x10 140lvs Leg extension 3x10 140lbs same day as shoulders. I also spend 2 minutes between each set as I have read articles that point to a longer recovery between sets allows further / heavier weights for the next set and bigger gains over all as in the…
  • Arms I do Dips 3 sets of 10. I can't do weighted because I don't have a belt yet for my waist. But the 3x10 is really easy as I am not heavy. Skull crushers with w curl bar2x10 at 50 and 1x10 at 60lbs. Tri cep push downs with the rope and cable machine. 3x10 130lb 140lb 150lb Same cable machine with a flat bar I do reverse…
  • Fitbit isn't a bad idea. My phone only accounts for steps when I use it and doesn't notice the difference between sitting and standing. Thanks for the tips.
  • I don't have stomach issues. I could eat a triple whopper and then go straight to the gym. I could not do this and go run 2 miles.
  • I do for the most part. Or go to the gym within an hour of eating. I try to have my bigger meals before the workout and then an 800cal shake after and then a bigger meal after that.
  • Stay away from OJ bananas raisins and grapes to start. Good luck with your condition. Be safe with your workouts.