MermaidAnnie89 Member


  • @Raynne413 This is exactly me!!! I just had my Mirena removed because I was hoping that it was causing my problems. Progesterone I can take, just not estrogen, so I may look into that. All I want to do at this point is eat and sleep. I'm highly irritable, and can barely concentrate or remember anything. I'm even forgetting…
  • Well here goes. I would also like to shout out an awesome app Virtual Walk. It's pretty cool takes you through different national parks from the comfort of your own home (treadmill). While also sharing beautiful pictures and fun facts about different parts of the trail.
  • I just got on MFP like three days ago but I would love to be apart of this group. I'm really trying to get into the running world. I usually set a goal of 50 miles a month but that's on a treadmill.
  • Hi. I'm Haley from Minnesota. I always bounce from one thing to another. I've never been motivated or driven to lose the weight. Not until my boyfriend of 6 years came to me with his fears that I would live long enough to enjoy having a family together. It's set a fire under my butt that hasn't been there before. I want to…