Anyone can feel free to add me! Could always use more motivational ppl in my life!
Anyone feel free to add me! :)
Well I sleep about 9hrs a night sometimes I can even sleep up to 14hrs, because that's how sleepy I am all of the time. @janejellyroll
I've talked to my doctor about it and ran a bunch of blood work tests and he says everything is fine. I just don't get it! @janejellyroll
You solve this issue by leaving the jerk!
Well I'm extremely overweight for my height right now, working on tht. 5'3.. 200lbs at the moment, However, It has always been this way after any meal even when I was in shape. @jemhh
@shagerty777 I made it public, and also no I have not tried any of those. Except yogurt, it doesn't help.
@successgal1 How do I do that? & Water is all I drink so Idk if maybe I drink too much of it? The bloating typically happens after I eat something and I get gassy too like everyday, it's really annoying and uncomfortable. Milk hurts my stomach but idk if that's considered lactose intolerant. I love salads, they also bloat…
To be in Hawaii soaking my feet in the water and relaxing, not having a worry in the world.
Sorry, I net 1200 calories. So if on average I burn about 420 cal on the elliptical, I eat some more to compensate for that calorie loss. @AnvilHead
@AnvilHead So it's all about the calorie intake? So I could do 45min of strength training or cardio a day and I will lose weight either way as long as my calorie intake and protein intake are adequate? Right now, I work out 5 times a week for 40min. 3 times a week cardio..2 times a week strength training. My daily calorie…
@rebel_26 I have considered drinking protein shakes as snacks or meal replacements, possibly for breakfast but I don't know which protein is best to take that doesn't have too many carbs in it. Any suggestion? My ideal goal is to have more lean muscle, not to necessarily be skinny, but fit. I've heard it was bad to do…
This is what I have been eating lately to hopefully get on the right track: -Breakfast: English muffin sausage biscuit, 260 calories -Snack-cheese cubes-- serving size 7; 110 calories -Lunch-lean cuisine-360 cal on average -Snack- Yoplait--150 calories -Dinner-Baked chicken, veggies, rice (Not sure how many calories) -I…
Starting off this week good like last week! I've learned having a support system works so well to keep motivated! I recently fell off the wagon and gained a crap load of weight but getting back into my routine! Could definitely use a support system, feel free to add me! :smile: Hope everyone has a great week!