emaline2210 Member


  • I mean, I can't even walk correctly, so props to you for all of this!
  • A spoonful of peanut butter does the trick for me... Delightfully creamy and sweet. I've erred on the side of extreme caution from "sugar free" any candy since my parents gave my uncle a bag they received as a gift...and well...he called with some quite expletive and tmi descriptions of what happened to him. Akin to the…
  • Does it need to be sushi grade? I live in Arizona...and welll....our fish isn't necessarily the most trusty. But I do love me some sashimi. Especially the buttery salmon variety.
  • I wasn't a night snacker until I met my husband. And then I became a night snacker by default. I keep pepperoni, pork rinds and pickles on hand for when I need that salty crunch. I also find that fasting until noon or one helps keep my food in a time slot where I am satisfied. I often finish dinner now and I find that I…
  • I build my whole menu for the week off of one butt! I haven't made one since going lc, but I used to do stuffed potatoes and it's one of my faves. I'll have to come up with an alternative!
  • Wow! Totally inspiring!
  • I'm the opposite and a veggie fiend! Veggies are what often make me almost go over the edge of my carb goals for the day. Well that and dark chocolate. So in some sense, eating this way and not being a veggie fan is almost natural. Your carbs and fats can come from nuts and dairy. I needed more fat recently, so I put a pat…
  • I love this! I'm halfway there. I continued down the rabbit hole for a couple days, but I'm fasting today with some lovely bone broth I've had simmering for a couple days. I'm planning on fasting until thanksgiving dinner. I love the idea of adding in detox tea and the pampering to at least feel like all my damage is…
  • I'll have to remember those electrolytes.
  • Intermittent fasting has become a part of my routine, regardless. I've never been a breakfast eater, so now I just push it off to 1 of 2. I suppose that's possibly an advantage. The planning ahead part got ahead of me as we are staying at my mother in laws. She would rather have dessert than any food, so grasping at…
  • Ugh, pizza without the crust was the original plan. Along with a can of soup. No forethought has gone into this tumultuous weekend, clearly. Let this be a lesson in planning ahead.
  • I did naet as a teenager. I was allergic to my own hormones. It's quacky, but I swear it works! I had severe seasonal allergies, never even got "cleared" for them, but they are super mild now. I think my histamines were always so high from being allergic to everything else, that the pollens were making me miserable.
  • I cook the same as I always did. I just don't eat the potatoes or rice or pasta, which I rarely cooked with before anyway because my husband has a hard time with rice and I'm not a huge pasta eater. Potatoes though, I miss. This week I've made: Breakfast for dinner Beef Pad Thai (I didn't eat the noodles, but you could do…
  • I just throw the sucker with whatever veggies I'm using in there and cover with water and spices. I've never had a dry pot roast. I've done fancier ones where I use pepperoncini juice or seared the meat with butter and then made a pan sauce with wine. But really, as long as you add enough liquid and let it cook for long…
  • Also lettuce wrapped burgers at in n out and Carls jr. Salads at subway. Unwich at Jimmy johns are super yummy.
  • We always pack a cooler when we travel: nuts, beef jerkey, veggies and dip, meats and cheeses, pickles, olives and hardboiled eggs.
  • I had a hard time the first few days with missing the crunch of potato chips etc. I ate pickles and crisped pepperoni and pork rinds. I am 17 days in and finding that I don't really miss the things I used to eat all the time. A spoonful of peanut butter or a hardboiled egg or a square of dark chocolate usually do the trick…
  • SW: 204 CW: 190 GW: 142ish I haven't seen this number on the scale for at least two years. Looking forward to the 180s, and not looking back!
  • Me too! I started taking adrenal support about 3 weeks ago and had significant improvement within 10 minutes of my first dose. I'm really looking forward to what my blood work tomorrow says.
  • Hmmm. I've always been a water drinker. In highschool, I had to go between every class, and I still go about every hour. I drink at least 128 Oz of water daily, but I also have never been big on other fluids. I find water comforting. I don't even know how my body might react to lowering my water intake, but I have noticed…
  • I think it's the moon! I was feeling that way too and had to go back to bed after my morning workout. I was super nauseous and felt like I might pass out on every machine. Just chalked it up to an off day, but electrolytes are always a factor, it seems. I've also noticed that sometimes I feel like I'm eating enough, but…
  • To expand more on the gf: This is originally where I started. I've seen two different naturopaths for 15 years since I've been diagnosed, and neither one of them ever told me to be exclusively gluten free. I've been seeing a western med nurse practitioner, because she's covered by insurance, and she called me on her own…
  • How much vitamin a? Thanks for the helpful info! I've completed one month (4 doses) of vitamin d. Should I add in k2 now? Or only if she prescribes another round this week?
  • I'm just determined this time. I have health reasons: really high antibodies (thyroid, hashimotos diagnosis), vitamin d deficient and slightly higher cholesterol and hemoglobin. I do drink. Which is why I find keto so successful for me. I eat about 900-1100 calories/day with intermittent fasting, and then I have a couple…
  • Omg, yes. That was me today. When your kid comes to you at 7:30 and says, "what's for dinner? I'm hungry." And you look around bewildered and say, "uhhh, I haven't thought about it." (We ate a late lunch at my parents, so I've had all my food for the day. Usually I save it for lunch and dinner.) Oops. Totally forgot I have…
  • I get through my entire day with eggs, peanut butter, pickles and sometimes some lunch meat and cheese. For dinner, I don't eat any more meat than I used to, so I do the same as you with family packs and sales. For my family of 3, stocking a small kitchen size freezer is probably fairly comparable to an rv freezer. I also…
  • Whipped cream and berries. Put some vanilla in the whipped cream, and have some honey or chocolate or caramel sauce on the side for others to drizzle if they'd like! You can also provide some vanilla wafers or other simple cookie for others.
  • I don't eat if I'm not hungry. I don't typically wake up hungry, even before I started eating this way. So I typically don't eat before a work out. I'll have bulletproof coffee when I get home, and if that doesn't fully satisfy me, I'll have a boiled egg or 2. I try to stay fasting until between noon and 1, but find it…
  • I'm vitamin d deficient also and was prescribed 50,000 Mcg once weekly and will retest next week to see where I'm at. I'm also taking fish oil and magnesium as an addition to eating this way. The brands aren't spectacular, but they do the job for the time being. I tend to like solaray for most supplements. As far as…
  • I have hashimotos, which is an auto immune version of hypothyroid. My tsh often shows "normal ", but my antibodies are very high and attacking my thyroid. Many doctors will not test antibodies, so I would urge you to request this from your doctor, as you may have been in normal tsh range with high antibodies prior to this…