Ok, so I'm struggling. I'm beginning to see my patterns in life are very extreme, and I'm working with my counselor to address some mental health stuff I've got going on. I've always struggled with food and exercise in the sense that I do really well for two weeks and then falter, and then I get back on the wagon, and the…
I ate pizza. I messed up. I am mostly posting this for accountability for myself to admit it openly, because my husband is almost proud of me for eating some carbs. He's still in the mind set that balance is good and the food pyramid exists for a reason blah blah blah. I have increased some of my meds and they are making…
I went quite a bit over my carb allowance today of 20g. We had family over for lunch, and then we had a dinner party to go to. I felt I was making good decisions at the dinner party, as the choices were: Brown rice, mixed veggies (mostly starchy), pork and peanut sauce. I took only pork, sauce and minimal veggies. When I…
Hi there, I'm newish here. I've mostly been reading. My story is pretty simple. Though I've always been fascinated by nutrition and learning about different eating styles, adapting them to myself has been difficult. I'm oppositional and I wanna do what I want when I want. I love me some potato chips. Unfortunately, this…