costaricavacation Member


  • I need to lose 100+ pounds. I lost 45 pounds two years ago and then spent the next two years gaining it back. It is depressing to be overweight, but even worse to see all that hard work disappear. I’ve lost 20 pounds this time, and my biggest worry is how I’m going to stick with the plan.
  • I am losing weight by eating right-size servings of healthy foods. It's working. But everyone seems intent on telling me what I should be doing. For example, "You've got to be eating steel cut oats, not that other kind." "Go on a vegan diet. Trust me, just do it for a month and you will be sold." "You've got to eat lots of…
  • The person who said it’s not about what you eat but how much you eat, of course, has a good point. However, you can eat as much steamed broccoli, celery, spinach etc as you want. Sometimes it just feels good to eat a lot of food.
  • For others reading this, please don't discount the possibility of depression in weight gain.
  • I started using Flatout light flatbreads - original, Italian or with flax seed for 90 to 100 calories. I heat the flatbread in nonstick pan a few minutes, then flip it, add toppings and cook a few more minutes until it is crispy. One combination I like is 1/4 cup of Prego roasted garlic spaghetti sauce, some cut up…