TheAssyrian Member


  • A bit of advice, record yourself performing the lift you are trying to perfect. Then compare to a tutorial video or one of a pro doing the same lift. This will teach you a multitude of things. Definitely hit the weights though. It's a must for mass.
  • Definitely the most accurate weight you can get. Commonly referred to as "true weight".
  • Better off doing deadlifts
  • Ok so I don't disagree with anyone above but you can absolutely lose weight by lifting weights. It's all about HOW you train. HIIT workouts with weights are far more effective than your average cardio. You definitely won't see the same results from jogging on a treadmill that you would see from the same amount of time…
  • So... I love the Ghost brand. Flavor and mixture is phenomenal. Unless you're going for 2+ hours though... Or early in the morning you might not need pre-workout. I love the stuff and highly recommend it
  • Those are very realistic goals if you set your mind (and more importantly you diet/recovery) to task. Get on it bro
  • Don't. Do not work out after a car accident. Many of the injuries do not show themselves for weeks and some months after. Let your ankle heal for a little bit and make sure your head is ok. Neck and back pain comes on a little ways after an accident so you need to focus on recovery. My wife got in a bad accident last…
  • So stretching is the first step. This includes 5-10 minutes on a foam roller. The foam roller is the most useful recovery and injury prevention tool I've used
  • My style changed completely. I am now able to wear anything I want. I look good in athletic clothes, suits, or just jeans and a T-shirt. Finally upgraded my wardrobe and now I feel good every day. I never leave the house looking like I used to
  • Like Mr Smooth said. Don't worry about the number on the scale too much. Worry about maintaining good health. Get some weight lifting in as much as possible and make sure you're making good choices. I can imagine having the Rugrats makes it difficult to find time to lift but with the proper mindset, anything is possible
  • Check out a program called 75Hard. It's a mental toughness trainer. It definitely sucks a ton but it's helpful. Another thing, take control of yourself. If you want to go binge, go for a walk and get away from food or go outside to do something. Anything that gets you away from binge-snacking and into the right mindset.…
  • Deadlifts or Squats. I could totally go for both right now
  • Sounds like it's time for some heavy barbell squats and glute Bridges!
  • So everyone here has pretty much got the nail on the head. DITCH THE SHAKES! They're a worthless waste of money and most likely are packed with sugar or suger substitute. Make some meals that are healthy but ones that you can enjoy! I literally just ate 8oz of baked garlic/lemon chicken with 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of…
  • Pinch of sea salt and a cup of water. Tricks your body into thinking you ate but you don't really consume any calories. Has saved me many times
  • This is exactly right. You need to control yourself when you're stressed. It's difficult (believe, I know) but it's essential. HIIT is (imo) better for weight loss than distance cardio and should be implemented into a strength training routine for maximum results! Good luck dude. Weight loss is tricky.
  • I served in the Navy for 6 years. Get your weight down and practice running. You do a surprising amount of it for being on the water so much lol. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water, counting calories and ditch the drinks with sugar and carbonation (this includes alcohol). Also, every meal needs veggies (broccoli or…
  • It's difficult to give good tips when we're not sure what you're doing lol. If you're lifting weights then I suggest increasing your volume, maybe change up your program entirely. Good luck. Hope it helps
  • It depends on your goals. Personally I weigh myself every Monday morning after I use the bathroom and before I consume anything (including water). It's the most accurate weight you'll have but if you're not strict on a diet or a workout regiment then you won't see much difference. Oh. Don't forget that if you are seeing an…
  • Definitely need the same thing. Feel free to add me
  • Feel free to add me. Im trying to drop around 30 lbs so we're in the same boat.
  • Fellow veteran here. I'll add you and we can keep each other honest lol