fitlife07 Member


  • I like to make Meditteranean chicken wraps using oatmeal as the base for the tortilla. Basically what I do is process the oatmeal til it's fine. Add on a bit of water, a dash of salt, and a drizzle of oil and mix it until it forms a dough. Knead it for a bit and cut them into equal parts before flattening them into a…
  • Oh I didn't realize. I'll log it in there then. Thanks
  • Did legs today: 3x15 30lb kettlebell squat 3x15 30lb closed leg kettlebell squat 3x15 30lb kettlebell sumo squat 3x15 45lb leg curls 3x15 20lb lunges 3x15 jump squats
  • I always sear some chicken breasts and cook veggies on weekends, make enough for the whole week. Put them in the fridge or freezer and just reheat them when I'm gonna eat them or before I head to work.
  • The start will always be the hardest part, but once you're on it and have built your momentum, then you should be seeing the results that you want. It's all about discipline and the will and determination to achieve your goals. Best of luck!!
  • Diet sodas are twice as horrible as the regular ones. Full of synthetic stuff. I'd stay away from them.
  • You can just simply add it, just look at the nutritional information and key in those data. That's what I do when I can't find the food I'm looking for :)
    in Help! Comment by fitlife07 November 2016
  • But on a rather serious side note, I've been using the app for yeaaaars now. 4 or 5 maybe. Even before I became a workout junkie. There's just something really motivating about it!
  • Haha yeah pretty much