BipolarFitness Member


  • I'm here for you. I'm still working on getting to recovery, but wanting to and trying to healthily lose weight. Message me! <3
  • My mental health is in quite a disarray. I have Bipolar II, Anorexia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, and have struggled with suicidal and self harm. I have been hospitalized 5 times. Been in therapy for 7 years. I got lots of advice and tips and tricks. Coping skills and positive mantras, as well as truth telling. My…
  • I'm struggled with an eating disorder for many years now, however I know a lot of stuff about recovery and all because I've been in therapy for 7 years. I have a treatment team and support group. Basically I know a ton of stuff from therapy and different groups. I can help you if you need it or give support if that's what…
  • Thanks for talking about that. People who don't have eating disorders tend to have a hard time understanding the fact that throwing out your scale can be like losing a piece of you. I have anorexia and still haven't thrown out the scale because of the fact being that it is so hard. Anyway thanks for talking about that. <3