jldeange Member


  • I went to a wedding this weekend and ended up putting on a belt over the dress I picked out in an attempt to make it look less baggy. Overall a success, until I realized the arm holes were also too big and my bra was peeking out. I guess it's time to buy a couple new dresses.
  • After bouncing around between two pounds for the last month, this morning I finally weighed in "overweight." My initial goal was to get out of the obese category and that at the time almost seemed impossible. Now, I can hardly wait to reach a healthy BMI.
  • This weekend we were at a waterpark and I didn't feel the constant need to hide myself while in my swimsuit like I used to. It was so nice to just have fun and enjoy the day without the constant paranoia that everyone is staring at my chubbiness. Hopefully when I reach my GW I will even be able to feel that comfortable in…
  • Lose the last 4 lbs that would put me in the overweight BMI category. Never thought I'd be so excited to be able to say "I'm overweight"
  • I am also very blind. I can not even see the lines on the bottom of the pool without some help. For several years I did the contacts with goggles thing, but it would just irritate my eyes too much and I got fed up with that. Went on amazon and bought some cheap prescription goggles. Best decision ever. Yes, I feel like a…
  • 1.What was the turning point for you? It's ok if it was a series of events I was absolutely hating the way I looked in photos. My fat pants weren't fitting anymore. I had no energy. The final a-ha moment was when I started trying on wedding dresses and even the plus size dresses in the store were too small on me. In that…
  • I go to a women's only gym. It is one of the closest to my house, on my route home from work. When I was naively shopping around for gyms some months ago at the start of my fitness journey it was purely about losing weight for me. At the time I liked that they had many free classes, lots of cardio equipment, and no stinky…
  • After finishing my first ever 5K in the middle of winter.
  • My wedding dress. Just to be able to go into stores and actually fit into any of them would be wonderful.