amh927 Member


  • amazon! I buy shirts for less than $10. And to be honest, I've been buying a lot of dresses. Normally I don't like dresses, but you can lose quite a bit of weight (I've been wearing the same ones while I've dropped almost 30 lbs) and they still look nice. I aim for a flowy empire waist and outside of the armholes getting a…
  • For me it’s exercise. I have 2 disabled kids and my own disabilities which cause chronic pain and discomfort. Often times it takes every ounce of energy just to get what I have to done there is no way I’m exercising. And it sucks because my core is so weak and it would be so much easier to lift my kids if I strengthened my…
  • I was 253 on January 3. Today I am 211. I did this by counting my calories, eating high nutrition foods instead of empty calories and having a few days where I ate dessert because it was a date night, etc. I walk when I feel like it, because up until now the weather has been awful. You don't have to force down meal…
  • Currently my MFP is set for 1210 to lose 2 lbs a week. I know this is too low for me most of the time but there are days I hit it just fine. So I leave it. But If I'm hungry I allow myself to go over. I couldn't do 1200 every single day, I would be a miserable beast.
  • Energy Drinks, but I have found that I enjoy the kickstart ultra which is only 5 calories a can. I also drink the monster rehab teas which are 25 cal/can but all the extra taurine and stuff can make me feel a bit funny so I do try to limit them. I also drink Diet Coke. Sometimes I'm just so sick of water and seltzer and…
  • Yes. I lost a lot of weight about 5 years ago. And I have all the clothes I was wearing at the time saved because I regained the weight. This time I weigh almost 10 lbs less than what I was then, and yet all those clothes don't fit me. I carry most of my weight in my stomach area. And every other time I've lost weight,…
  • 1) Whenever I cut out sugar and junk food it takes my body a while to adjust. It's used to getting sugar for energy and it throws a tantrum when I get rid of it. 2) Are you still eating a lot of high calorie low nutrition foods? 3) I take a multivitamin. I notice my diet is very low in iron and my nails start bending at…
  • Fiberful bars, nuts, yogurt, eggs, milk, premade salads, frozen Indian food (butter chicken and rice is less than 300 cal!).
  • I give myself a small reward every 10 lbs. Not food related. I buy new clothes to visually see the impact of my weight loss. I also tell my husband all about where I'm at, like this is the lowest weight I've been since I had my first child. I'm about 35 lbs down from my starting weight and 44 lbs from my highest weight.…
  • That’s my goal. I’m 31 down since Jan 3. Once you start it gets easier. For jan and feb I ate super healthy and never cheated. Now I’m trying to make it a lifestyle so H and I had 2 date nights where I ordered whatever I wanted and dessert. And I am still losing weight. I’m trying to listen to my hunger cues more and…
  • Lots and lots of veg. And TBH it’s low for me. About 70% of the time I’m fine but then I have days where it’s not enough. If I’m still hungry I give myself an extra 250 cal to eat. 1210 is my 2lb/week deficit so I figure even if I eat an extra 250cal 1 or 2 times a week it’s still a pretty high deficit.
  • I give myself a small reward every 10 lbs, not food related. That I buy ahead of time and leave out to motivate me. I also take a pic as my lock screen for my phone of a bigger reward which I will do at 50 lbs, 75 lbs and 100 lbs. So I wanted a tea cup for myself and decided that was my first reward. I left it out on the…
  • It sucks. I eat to take my mind off the pain. So I try to get in the mindset of doing something else. I try to take a bath or a light walk. Read a book. Personally, I do better eating 3 meals a day and rarely snacking. When I get into the habit of snacking even within my calories budget when I have bad days I don’t even…
  • I don’t eat a lot of iron rich sources besides leafy greens. I don’t eat fish, dairy or red meat.
    in Vitamin Comment by amh927 February 2018
  • I’ve tried it all. I struggled with anorexia. Gained that weight back plus 40 pounds. I did whole 30 for 60 days till I caved in and binged. Gained that weight back. And then I realized I’m freaking 33 years old this is ridiculous. Over the past 10 years that 100 lbs was put on with with “I deserve this because...” cancer,…
  • Thanks everyone. I don’t think eating vegan will be a problem since I love veggies. I guess I just feel like I started mfp a month ago for serious. Up until now to lose weight I usually eat between 4-800 cal a day for months until I can’t susbtain it anymore. Can we say disordered eating This past month I have focused on…
  • Is a religious fast. So it’s not actual fasting. Simply avoiding foods for religious purposes, mostly meat and dairy, sugar, etc Most of my protein is chicken. So I’m nervous about getting enough protein so I’m not starving and wanting to eat everything is sight. It’s fruit and veggie based. I don’t eat much fruit and a…
  • Yes I am aware of that. Our entire church is doing one for 40 days and I am just nervous about joining in while trying to maintain weight loss
  • I was averaging about 7500. Now my iPhone doesn’t fit in my pocket so it says like 200. I need a fitbit
  • I weigh daily. And today I was up 1.2 lbs. for me when I lose a large number the scale goes back up briefly, I stay the same for a few days, then it starts dropping again. I think of it like, when I drop a lot of weight at once my body has to catch up. It’s nice having a daily weigh in for this. And actually expected the…
  • What are the best ways to strength train when you have limited ability to lift. I had a major surgery on my ribcage so I’m not supposed to lift more than 30 lbs ever. For exercise I’m mostly just walking but I would really like to get some core and arm strength back.
  • To be honest, I felt the exact same way until I cut back gluten and highly refined foods. (I have celiac for the gluten). My body reacts very strongly to sugar so for me if I go down the rabbit hole of trying to lose weight but sticking to a high carb lifestyle it won't happen. I will obsess over food, and be HANGRY. When…
  • I have 100 to lose. Sounds so insurmountable so my first goal is 12 lbs!
  • I’m in my 30’s and have a similar situation. I have a bone disease, had multiple surgeries and cancer with major surgery. I focus on exercise that makes me happy not working out to lose weight. I’m not allowed to lift more than 30 lbs, my surgeries have made running and any high impact workout impossible. I also have bone…