dill_milk Member


  • I am doing a quick 1 month cut. Losing 2 pounds a week. No cardio. BCAAs in the morning. Weight lifting 3-4 days a week. I don't change my routine at all, still try to increase the weight. Macros at 40/40/20. Try to follow intermittent fasting. I'm not a fan of long, slow cuts or tapering calories down and up. During a…
  • I've been lifting inconsistently for 2 years now and have bulked and cut twice but each time my eating outpaced my training and I ended up with more fat than muscle and had to cut for longer than I would have liked. I think doing it in short cycles like this would help me stay more motivated and consistent and keep the cut…
  • From your pic you look great for someone who just started bodybuilding. Certainly you lifted weights or played sports before?
  • Great physique man! You don't do any chest exercises though? And lunges instead of squats?
  • I just stick to 8 for all my lifts. It's right in the middle so it takes all the guess work out of everything.
  • My goal right now is to be lean/fit. 210 lbs and 12% bf. In the future I might like to go for the big look and aim for 225-250 at the same bf% but that day may never come.
  • Thanks, is a multivitamin enough? I live in the northern hemisphere also, in a valley where the winter and fall is cloudy and grey 90% of the time. It's really depressing
  • How do i do that?
  • I tried the Taco Tavern double. So tasty. Too small for me though.
  • What's wrong with his advice? Seems sound to me. Of course there are other options, but this is fine. Won't help with the skinny wrists though. Nothing you can do about that. Lol
  • It wouldn't have to be just two days a week though, it could be three or four days a week, essentially doubling the volume and frequency of a typical upper lower split. If you're doing tons of exercises per body part I can see why splitting it up is essential. But doing two exercises per body part could acceptably be…
  • Thanks guys I appreciate the constructive feedback instead of snarky, uninformed responses like the first one I received. Probably just having a bad day, I forgive her. I don't think the accessory day would necessarily be better than doing another compound day, but it would be fun and add variety as well as volume. I could…
  • Thanks for the list, but my program IS on that list. It's Greyskull. Pretty similar to StrongLifts. Just wondering if I could change the third day to an accessory day for fun.
  • Thanks! I wasn't sure whether a supplement thread belonged in bodybuilding or food and nutrition. Don't think I posted in fitness and exercise
  • I scan the barcode on the bag of oats...
  • My thinking was somewhat like this: 12 week bulk @ .5 lbs./week = 3 lbs. muscle / 3 lbs. fat. - 4 week cut @ 2 lbs./week = -8 lbs. (mostly fat). Total weight change = +3 lbs. muscle, -5 lbs. fat. Over each cycle I would get a little bit leaner each time. Then as I get leaner I could gradually increase the duration of the…
  • Every other day. But I wasn't very consistent during my bulk. I would take breaks once in a while and have to reset the weight when I started again... At the moment, I'm thinking of maintaining until school starts again, then do a lean bulk for 3 months, and then a 1 month cut during exams and Christmas break. I never want…
  • About 3 weeks. Thanks! It was definitely my nutrition. Just eating lots of junk, not getting enough protein, and gaining too fast. I'm doing a routine called the greyskull lp variant. It's basically bench, row, and squats one day, and ohp, chins, and deadlifts another day. I didn't pay much attention to macros on my bulk…
  • I'm using a 3 day fullbody program. I was making progress until I went on a cut. I don't use a food scale but I'll measure things with cups. Besides the scale, I've been measuring my waist. I went from a 37.5 to 34 inch waist. I use the navy method to guess my body fat percentage. I know it's not accurate but I've seen…
  • What's all this stuff about 'insulin sensitivity' and hormones and stuff? Supposedly it affects whether your body is drawing energy from muscle or fat. I believe now it's all make believe but I can't believe there is so much crap out there like this, I really need to stay away from fitness blogs and 'studies' because I'm…
  • So all this intermittent fasting and meal timing stuff is 'fad' bullsh*t amirite? The only thing that matters is calories in vs. calories out. God, I hate this fitness industry with all its phoney crap.
  • Thank you! My impression was that you would continue to lose weight since you're still under maintenance. Supposedly after you've finished a diet your maintenance level will be a bit higher so part of it is finding that new maintenance level. I'm hoping to lose 4 more pounds so it's good to hear that the weight loss will…