Thanks Squidgeypaws!
Thanks Staticsplit! Yea, cutting back is definitely going to help u reach your goal. Best of luck to you
Thank you hotasfire!
Thanks Creationscrown!
Thank you! Cutting back helps a whole lot! I'm sure you'll meet your goal. Best of luck Snerggly
Thanks a lot Grey!
Thanks Bnovak! Definitely wasn't easy, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished
Thanks bioklutz! I went from 187lbs down to 155lbs, and currently sitting at 160lbs. I followed some pretty basic principles, targeting each major muscle group throughout the week. Week by week I'd mix up the days I trained the muscle groups and randomize the order of the exercises as often as I could. Every workout is…
Thanks so much justlyn
Thank you Sumiblue! Took some time but I'm happy with my accomplishments so far
kbm I sure did too. It's just that my drinking was often followed up with poor food choices. I guess it just wasn't for me.
Thank you! And you're right, it is possible to do it without quitting drinking. It just wasn't right for my body. Best of luck on your journey
Thank you Rainbow! I've still got a very long road ahead of me, but I'm really happy that I can share what I've been able to accomplish so far
Thanks Lea!
Thanks CSAR!
Thanks a lot Vin! And although it's been many years, congrats on your strength to quit as well.
Thank you!
Thank you so much, it definitely took some time, but I'm proud of myself fit sticking to it
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
No thanks, I'd need a site that produces healthy food options ;)
Us? You were clueless as to why I posted in request of a site in the first place. I assure you, this post wasn't directed toward you, nor am I looking for any "leg work" from you. If you refer to my original post, I stated, "I'll do it if I must", which would imply that I'm going to get it done regardless. This post was a…
I'm judging off my past experience with tofu. Tofu "chicken teriyaki", tofu in miso soup, and one other dish I can't recall the name of. 2 of my tofu experiences were at restaurants, and one was home cooked. In all instances that I've given it a chance, it just didn't settle right with my taste.. I'm just not sure that…
Couldn't have said it better.
We all have access to the law as well, but ppl still pay top dollar for others to read and make understandable for them. Convenience comes at a cost my friend. As you and I know, this service is free, but there's still an open market of those who don't want to do the research themselves, and would rather pay for it.
She almost straddles the fence of vegetarian, mostly eating veggies, carbs, fish, and the occasional chicken breast. She has absolutely no problem going full vegan/vegtrn for the holiday, she thinks it's easy. She's bent for me the past holiday, eating with me and my carnivorous friends, just finding dishes she liked, no…
Not a bad idea RoadDod, thanks
Yes, it's a vegetarian turkey replacement. I believe tofurkey is just the brand name of it, but its stuck in my head, and I don't know the "proper" name of a vegetarian turkey.. So tofurkey it remains lol