tluisa311 Member


  • Definitely to flaunt in front of my ex....... He was the kind of guy who blatantly tell me that he wasn't as attracted to me anymore if I so much as put on 5 lbs. If I didn't look perfect, he told me I was lazy. He was the first AND last guy to treat me like I was worthless if I weighed more than 125 lbs. I can't wait for…
  • Well, if we're being honest here, the worst thing to happen to our environment has been humans. If you're comparing the damage that cows do to the environment to the damage that humans caused, humans will come out as the bigger villains every time. The environment was likely at it's best before humans came along.
  • Sending request now......... I am the same way. Having active friends help me to maintain my process and ALL of last year I absolutely hated every pic of myself. Currently I'm down 10 lbs but I still have 66 to go so I'm in it for the long haul!
  • The overweight and obese percentage of the US population is 73.6%, and the percentage of underweight is only 1.7%. It's a lot more likely that the plane will have a larger percentage of overweight people than underweight.
  • @LisaGetsMoving You had me at "teach your dog yoga or some dance moves" Lol............
  • That's a great idea too! The process alone would keep me busy and soup is a great cold-rainy-day food. And soup is great to experiment with because you keep tasting it as you go along. I'm so glad I asked for suggestions because now I'm excited to be cooking some new recipes and the things I make will be healthier than…
  • I never would've thought of that...... I LOVE winter squash and sage, so that's a great idea. Thanks for the tips! Mac n cheese is always my first go-to when craving comfort food so it's nice to have an alternative version that doesn't come in a blue box or isn't 1,000 per bowl lol
  • These sound great!! I'm going to update my shopping list with your suggestions this morning and head to the grocery store after work! These sound fun and making them will keep me from becoming a permanent indent in the couch throughout this crappy weather-weekend! Thank you so much!
  • How much time so you have?? Time to read a short novel????? :p
  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I've got strict criteria...... maybe B)
  • Oh yes, I've been going through this with him since I was 14 years old. He's financially stuck with her as well as living in denial. He almost divorced her once when I was about 18 but then changed his mind. I've barely even scratched the surface with what I've mentioned here, so I can tell you that you're 100% correct.…
  • This is my second time around and I'm hoping it sticks this time! The first time, my heaviest was 170 and this time it was 200 so that's freaking me out a bit! H: 5'6 CW: 192 1st GW: 165 2nd GW: 145 UGW: 125 I have a long way to go, but it's definitely easier with friends! :)
  • You didn't specify there would be social or activity differences in your original post; that does make a difference but that difference is very individual. Personally, any social environment is more high-risk of "bad" foods because I have to deal with other people's preferences and menus where I'll not have full control of…
  • That's not a bad idea! Less the rearranging but more the de-cluttering and organizing. I could definitely use some of that time to also go through and get rid of some things........ at times I can be a pack rat lol
  • Part of the reason that I'm looking for recipes is because it will give me something to do other than watch movies for 3 days. I live alone and don't have many friends in the area, so I spend a lot of time with my dog. Normally I would be outside with him during free time on a long holiday weekend, but bc the weather will…
  • You can't see how a different environment could affect a person's eating habits??? At the pool, I'm in the heat, which makes me less hungry or makes me crave lighter foods like fruit. Also, I'm in the pool swimming or playing volley ball in the pool or even just socializing. None of which would encourage me to eat out of…
  • I'm struggling with this myself so feel free to add me and maybe we can talk each other through it! I live in northern VA as of 2017. My family lives back in New England and I have zero single friends, so I constantly struggle with the idea of being alone ALL the time. I don't even date bc I feel so uncomfortable with my…
  • Definitely not being able to breathe when tying my shoes..... This makes me feel like I have the body of a hippo. Also, avoiding public places (especially if it's a place I should be dressed up in). Avoiding relationships, dates, human interaction in general. I won't miss that sinking/cringing feeling when I see myself in…
  • I agree 100%. I think if I push him, he will move farther from the goal and will just want to talk to me less than he already does. I definitely think that he is depressed but when I have brought it up to him, he tells me that this lifestyle of getting drunk every day makes him happy. I like the idea of asking him for…
  • Unfortunately, we live in 2 different states, so I can't be there to walk with him. He has told me that his appetite has really decreased over the past 5 years and he's not eating very much. Now, I'm not there to see it for myself, but I trust his judgement and I think his weight gain is really the result of the alcohol…
  • @middlehaitch I do need to remember not to push, bc I think that will push him farther away from the idea. Unfortunately, a talk with his wife is definitely out of the question. She's always been insanely jealous of his relationship with me; to the point where she has accused him of cheating on her with me. She has tried…
  • @middlehaitch He lives with his wife, but she contributes to his isolation. She doesn't like him spending time with anyone other than her. I've tried to get him to visit me, but it's apparently a chore for him to travel, so he would prefer to wait until I come home to RI. When I lived in NC, he came to visit, and that's…
  • @sijomial The only hobby he used to like is golf, but that was when he had people to golf with. His wife has kind of made it so that he is isolated and he seems to have accepted it. Essentially, he feels like getting drunk every day is what makes him "happy" and it really frightens me. My biggest fear is that it will be a…
  • @girlwithcurls2 Unfortunately, he lives in RI and I live in VA. I'm an only child and he hasn't been close with his family since he re-married when I was 14. I think he suffers from depression, but would never admit it. Most of his siblings passed away before 60 and I think he just assumes this is the end for him, so he's…
  • @middlehaitch Thank you SO MUCH for all of your suggestions!! My dad lives in RI and I live in VA, so unfortunately I can't do things with him in person. In addition, he's very sloth-like right now, and getting him off the couch is difficult, so getting him to run would be near-impossible lol. But I love the idea of…
  • I am not over 60 but I've been looking for success stories and suggestions from people over 60 to help my dad get started on a healthier lifestyle! He took early retirement and his lifestyle is VERY sedentary right now, so his activities include eating, too much alcohol and watching TV. Do any of you use an activity…
  • @goal06082021 Lol his wife would never let him get a dog... they have a cat now. He has a treadmill now, in his house, but he stopped using it when his hip flexors started bothering him. I know he doesn't stretch at all, so I'm encouraging him to do that before and after he walks on the treadmill. Thank you so much for the…
  • @goal06082021 Does your dad use any technology, like a fitbit or Apple watch to track the calories he's burning? I'm debating upon buying my dad some kind of tracker but it would have to be very easy to use, since he is not terribly tech savvy.