WickAndArtoo Member


  • Oh my gosh I love this idea!!!
  • I love seeing other people celebrating wins :) those are great lists! Some big ones for me today: Stretched and warmed up all sore my muscles I did some cardio and AB workouts My husband and I did yoga flow together Ate 5 servings of fruits and veggies Sent an email to try and figure out school stuff I have been…
  • I like to plan to have dinner and then a snack later that night, a small one (usually home made popcorn or a protein bar)... but it makes me feel better to have it. Once I am done with the snack I brush my teeth and floss, which keeps me from eating more!
  • Nice work!!!! I am a slow runner, feel free to add me. My paces varies depending on the distance I run, but generally it’s around 12-14 minutes per mile. I ran my first half marathon in March this year, I was so slow, but when I started training I was unable to run a full mile without walk breaks so I was very excited!
  • It’s beginners yoga, just stretching... not workouts
  • I am right there with you, always looking for an answer to this dilemma. My dogs help me at least get out for walks, I don’t feel better... but at least I accomplished something!
  • Also high calorie and GERD recommendations do not go hand in hand. Most of the foods you want to avoid are high cal high sugar foods. I recommend trying to eat the foods on the recommended lists, it will help you heal and lead to the ability to eat enough for your body and what it’s burning.
  • Sugar causes horrible GERD symptoms for me dairy free or otherwise!! Even too much fresh fruits were causing me discomfort.
  • I am so sorry to hear you are in so much pain :( I also have had GERD issues recently. I think a lot of the food choices are trial and error, and picking foods that are known to be good for it. Keep a journal and try different foods independently while logging how they make you feel. What does your diet generally consist…
  • I have called my vet many times for things like this that ended up not being a big deal, always better safe than sorry. That being said the people mentioning how resilient dogs can be are correct also! My friends puggles are about 20 lbs and the have eaten pounds of chocolate (more than once), multiple toys, endless…
  • It will come back to you quicker than you think! Almost everyone is starting over, Heck I am going to be starting over even though I just ran my half in March... because I have only hiked since then and injured my knee training for my next run. The first five miles is the slowest because our bodies are readjusting to…
  • And since you have so much extra time compared to the average training plan for a half you have plenty of time to work up to it... honestly with the miles you are running and walking right now you could complete the half with 16 week.
  • I would worry way less than you are about walking parts of it, especially at this point in your distance. You are over thinking it big time! The humidity is tough and will slow you to a walk often, but since your run is in October this will work in your favor because most likely it will be a little cooler by then so you…
  • Try yoga!!! Seriously, it’s so much harder than it looks and it will help strengthen and stretch your muscles. I actually found the yoga helped my knee pain a ton, and my back pain! It also helped me lose weight. There are lots of free videos online, I use beach body on demand (which does cost a little bit-but nothing…
  • Definitely possible!! I was where you are at and managed to do one with way less time than that. I couldn’t run a mile when I started, but running 2-3 times a week consistently caught me up quick. Just follow a beginner half marathon program and don’t worry about needing to walk parts of it and run as slow as possible, no…
  • Nice work! That is amazing you finished!! This is really inspiring!!
  • Glad I’m not the only one! I bought every flavor just to mix it up, and have been choking the fruit ones down. I haven’t tried the s’mores yet but I do have that flavor! I’m waiting to try it for when I start training for a full marathon since it’s a non caffeinated one (I am going to try doing every other so I’m not…
  • Are you stretching enough/a lot/at all? What if any cross training are you doing? How long do you warm up? Are you trying to run for speed or keeping your pace slow? Do you warm up first? How quickly did you try to increase your mileage?
  • Cliff does have organic blocks, and they are delicious if you like gummy things!! They can be purchased both as caffeinated (my go-to) or uncaffinated (my husbands go-to). Personally my favorite energy supplement for running are the GUs with caffeine, even though they aren’t organic. The best flavors are the chocolate,…
  • OP are you worried that you are hurting your ultimate race pace, or that you are jeopardizing the actual ability to run the full half when the time comes? If you are worried about pace in particular, for example if you are wanting to do your ultimate best, then you will have the most accurate estimation of that by running…
  • I always use walking calorie estimations to be on the safe side!
  • Very cool!!! I hope to be backpacking and hike for many years to come also. You are very inspirational, and those trips sound amazing. Hopefully you will keep us updated. How long have you been hiking and backpacking for?
  • I don’t really agree with this, swimming is a very active sport that allows for low impact movement. It can be very beneficial for people who are just getting back into an active lifestyle, people who any amount of movement is leaps and bounds more than usual, people who walking is actually too hard on joints due to…
  • The bike idea is actually fabulous! You can usually find fairly cheap bikes either used or at places like Walmart. I didn’t have a car for 25 years of my life and walked everywhere, including the gym, school, work, and the grocery store... all of which were more than 30 minutes each way! So you are totally safe to do that…
  • Wow why are you only eating 1200 cake a day, at your weight you can test way more while still at a deficit. Also try lower impact exercise like swimming if you are having pain. Start slow and work up to things, my husband lost over thirty pounds doing yoga every day for 2 months, he has bad knees and a wonky elbow so doing…
  • Cold brewed herbal tea!!! Or hot brewed iced herbal tea if you need it faster :). For cold brew just place 3-4 tea bags in ice water and refrigerate over night, for hot brewed iced tea steep tea as usual but in less hot water and then pour over ice. These can be made just as single cups, no need for extra storage, if you…
  • Okay I cannot believe people are saying gator tail is only “good/okay” fried gator tail is AMAZING!! But you know, that’s just my opinion lol. I however didn’t like frog legs, they tasted like a frog, literally like a pond and froggy! I’ve tried crickets and meal worms, but they were in candy so that doesn’t seem to count,…
  • Increase protein and strength workouts
  • Meat and eggs :)