WickAndArtoo Member


  • As someone else mentioned, for this distance it’s probably your brains happy “I achieved something” excitement that made you feel so wonderful. But this excitement is equally as rewarding so that’s great!! But just like any new cool thing that is super shiny and exciting in the beginning it will wear off... to an extent.…
  • Haha so the OP here! I ran a trail race a couple weeks ago and I ran without headphones bc I wasn’t sure how narrow the trail would be and didn’t want to annoy anyone. It went great, and I didn’t mind running without HP (in fact have done multiple short runs without them since). Anyways I actually had an annoying moment…
  • I’ve never been one to argue against a plate of pasta!!
  • If it’s still challenging in general don’t worry about the weight being too light-they aren’t, the moves get harder in level 2 so you might be happy you have the 5lbs!
  • Do whatever you have done on your long runs/night before long runs- you don’t want to accidentally eat something that upsets your tummy! I personally do run better if I have eaten big meals the day before or in the mornings-even if I use drinks and gels during. These are things you should tinker with before race day, but…
  • They deleted it! Well I’m pretty sure they did at least. I did the videos a long time ago and didn’t do the full 30 days, so it’s like I’m starting fresh. Plus you can always do them over with heavier weights to increase the challenge and get more for your money! I caught a cold/sinus infection and the hubs has the flu…
  • Oh gotchya! Sorry I was confused :) it definitely sounds like you are well on your way to #3 lol.
  • Oh my god that’s awesome! Did you remember to take before photos? I actually didn’t start yet, I lost steam when I got told off by the moderator for posting in more than one spot (I was embarrassed lol). I have just been doing dumbbell exercises that I learned from doing the videos before.
  • I personally don’t think there is anything wrong with using meal replacement shakes as long as you are still getting one “real food” meal in each day. But eat all the calories MFP gives you for the day for your weight loss goal. If you have an extra 400 cals left in the day, eat them! You will still lose the weight as long…
  • This is why I run too! I relate so much to this post! Seriously you just described why I run and why I love it. Being able to carry that feeling of “I am capable” into other aspects of my life is really necessary to me. Also it doesn’t help me lose weight either lol.
  • 5k, if you haven’t been running after an injury for a while is pretty far! I felt the same way when I was getting back into it after I had a knee injury!! Idk if you like to swim but I was just reading an article about how the kicking motion is prefect for strengthening the muscles needed to stabilize a weak/previously…
  • Lol me too! I have never noticed anyone’s cellulite, after I read this thread and went to look in the mirror to see if I had any 😂 I do by the way! I weigh 115 lbs 5’2”, doesn’t seem to bother my handsome husband one bit!
  • It really is cool and interesting how different all our bodies are!
  • I made the switch when I was 26, but I managed to fit 60 years worth of stupidity into those short years :( .
  • Hello! I have been teetotaling for over two years (July was my 2 year anniversary)!! It’s been the best two years of my life and it has been so freeing and enjoyable. I had very painful hangovers and one of the best things in the world is knowing that I will never feel like that again when I wake up. I love to…
  • I totally agree rest days are so hard!!!! It is so much more motivating with the longer distances too, although I did 6 miles today and the runger is insane!!!! Apparently 5 miles = normal 6miles = insanely hungry way over cals for the day!!
  • I ended up not training for this race, and chose to skip it bc time was very limited (and I missed two crucial weeks lol)... but I am still glad to have gotten so much response and that it can help you!! I really doubt I could run that far without music, so I’m pretty sure I would just risk breaking the rules as long as I…
  • I have read it should be fine. I personally eat 4 eggs (yoke included) almost every morning, I have never been at an unhealthy weight and my cholesterol completely normal and healthy... so my anecdotal evidence also says it’s okay lol.
  • Canned soup! (My real favorite is Big Macs, but I don’t eat those anymore :( )
  • This made me laugh, I also steal my husband’s socks (don’t tell him)... but def not for running, I use my special babies for that... he gave me a hard time for how expensive they were... but I convinced him to try them for our portaging trip and I’m pretty sure he thinks they are worth it too lol.
  • Nuun is mixed into a drink, I drink mine before the run so I don't have to mess with it or put it into my water I carry. I’m not sure how Gatorade works since I have never drank that. But also depending on your fuel/body/temp of race day you my not need to worry about the electrolytes as much as you are. Do you already…
  • You lose other electrolytes than salt, you can make your own for cheaper options if you feel that you need an electrolyte supplement. When I was running in FL heat I used ultima, I now use Nuun if I need it (although that’s super rare since I am in a much cooler climate and have gotten more experienced-ie runnign is…
  • Thin merino wool smart wool socks! They are cool even hot sweaty weather! So so so comfortable!! They are expensive but worth it.
  • Wow nice run!!! I was so sad today was a very much needed rest day for me, it was a very cool and humid day here too! I walked the dogs and it was actually a little chilly, we loved it! I am considering taking my next run to the trails too!!
  • My favorites are the Gu gels in the espresso, chocolate, caramel, and vanilla flavors... I see that they have a chai flavor I haven’t tried yet and I’m sure I’ll love that one too 😂 then if I want something fruity I like the gummies/blocks (I like both the Gus and the cliff blocks equally). The gels are easier to eat on…
  • This just made me laugh literally out loud, I was just thinking about this while I was running the other day. But your description truly hit the giggle bone and is so true 😂
  • We definitely need more info! Why are you wanting to add more mileage? The training schedules work, and adding more miles could cause injury. If you are asking bc you are already running more base miles than it starts with you can start later in the program, but if you are asking because you are worried that they don’t…
  • You can also simulate hills on a treadmill that has incline options. Will your race be flat or hilly? Generally if you go to the website for your race it will tell you what the terrain will be like, that will be a huge help in knowing how to train. Also if you are just hoping to finish and run the entire thing mileage and…
  • I have only run a half marathon, and am currently beginning my training for a full. So my expertise is very limited, however I will say that a pace of 10-12 min per mile if you were able to hold that for your 6 miles already is a really great start if you are aiming to finishing without walking and not be cut off. Keeping…
  • I use well established trails and am very prepared as well as careful to let people know where I am going and I never do anything “ to prove something”. Something can go wrong no matter what we do, but to expect individuals that don’t have friends or are for whatever reason unable to buddy up every time for a hike to just…