Turbo Jam is an awesome one! That one is probably among my favorites.
To be healthy I try to eat as clean as possible, no processed foods and I try to avoid sugar. For weight loss, I have been doing a "body type" diet, which seems to be working pretty well so far. I am a the thyroid type, you can see what you are here if interested
This sounds interesting, I'm curious how it will go!
I find that keeping those things in the house makes it always a temptation. Limit the amount of carbs you keep around until you kick the craving maybe!
Personally, I think all this stuff is bad news
The more you work, the more energy you need. This includes mental energy, as if you have a desk job, you don't need more calories. But if food is motivating, then that long of a work day you will crave more food to keep you going!
Drinking more water helps flush out the water your body is retaining (bloating, etc) so can help you slim down. It does definitely make a difference, and helps you to eat less as well.
I don't think it would make a difference the time of day. If you are going to have something sweet anyways, your overall calorie intake won't change depending on the time!
I can't eat oatmeal without a sprinkle of brown sugar on top!
I agree there was probably not much to write about that they came out with that article!