SecretSquirrel2018 Member


  • Hello Bec. Lovely to read your post. So glad you are doing so well so far this year! I too would love to make some online friends/accountability buddies...think I have already added you :smiley: My passion is running but I try to get out onto the trails as much as possible...time flies so much quicker and so do the miles!…
  • Hey! Well done you for making the first step on your weight loss journey! Anything is possible if you really want it. Just take things one step at a time and if you have any wobbles or doubts, dont hesitate to post on here for encouragement and support!
  • Hi Pamela. It's so great that you are already well on your way to becoming a healthier you so fab effort. Looking forward to seeing future posts from yourself!
  • Yes please feel free to add me also. I have a huge challenge ahead of me this year with trying to #run1000miles in addition to trying to lose a bit of blubber so the more accountability partners the better!
  • Hi Belinda, It's great to hear you are wanting to concentrate on improving your health in 2018! Accountability is soo important in terms of motivation..without it I think it is much harder. I have taken up the #run1000miles in 2018 challenge. So far so good!
  • Way up in Yorkshire and Humberside!! Live the tourist town of Scarborough :D
  • Hey Cayla. Sounds like you are raring and ready to go. Also in the same boat as you, but as a single parent. Lost a lot of weight after me and my husband split but have since put it all back on and then some. Really ready to lose weight and tone up, not just for me but for my two children also. Want them to be proud of me.