kpchoate Member


  • Slow really is the way to go as mind-numbing as that can be. I started at 313 lbs six years ago today. I'm 76 lbs lighter. All I do is log everything into MFP nutrition-wise and try to hit the macros. And I do 40-60 minutes of some sort of physical activity every single day. Could be walking, running, cycling,…
  • Are you exercising also? and if so are you logging it? This will have an effect on your hunger and will increase the number of calories you should be taking in.
  • If you're only eating 1400-1500 calories per day at your size, you're probably hitting a plateau pretty hard. Same thing happened to me. I started at 313 and lost a ton of weight right off the bat by cutting calories to nothing. When I hit 260, I flat-lined and that plan would no longer work. Your body starts to hold on to…
  • If you really wanted to track it, you could pick out a wearable like Fitbit or Samsung Gearfit (if you're smartphone is android) or any of the other ones. None of the step counters are completely 100% accurate but at the very least it could baseline your activity for you and give you more data than what you currently have.
  • The hardest part for me so far is that I keep overshooting my protein. I'm good on calories. And all of my other macros are good. And I'm not ridiculously over on protein but I'm OCD enough that when one of those jokers turns red, I get all cranked up. haha
  • Speaking only for myself, I've been on it for four weeks and I feel like a million bucks.
  • Ok thanks! It just kinda made me nervous. lol
  • Personally, I would not date a 200+ lb woman. But it has nothing to do with the 200+ lbs. I'm gay. SO.... We could have all those nice long talks she enjoys. Maybe even a Pinkberry after the gym. We could talk hair for days and go to the mall. We could realistically do a lot of the things that dating people do. But we…
  • For me personally, I found that focusing on the end result just left me disappointed. But when I set three or four tasks throughout my day that all work TOWARD that end result, I felt like I had made strides that day even if it didn't immediately show up on the scale. I've kinda taken the approach that fitness is a lot…
  • LOL. I have to tell you something funny first. When I first read this, I thought you said WHITE people as opposed to WHILE. Time for eye check too I suppose. haha I am not working with an RD. My next doctor's appt is in two weeks and we will definitely be discussing it. Just looking for a tip or two in the meantime if…
  • I'm using a plan my doctor recommended. Lower (but not zero) carb because of a diabetes issue. Currently, I take four blood pressure meds and a med for type 2 diabetes. My goal is to be off all of them by summer of 2017.