SazFour Member


  • I've lost 67lbs in the past year and a half without exercise and it's not stopping it's just slower because I burn less. There's no time period. As long as you're eating less than you burn you'll lose weight :) Although I will say I wish I had started exercising/working out from day 1 because I'd be fit and strong now…
  • Damn. I set MFP to sedentary to lose 1lb per week and it says I can eat 1290 I probably should exercise more though, thanks! It's not really the extra calories that I want just the weight gone (+ I hate exercise)
  • Aiming for 1200 but my average is 1280
  • Thanks I'll try that! I thought it would be accurate since I lost the same weight a few months in a row
  • Looking for friends! Especially vegetarian/vegans, coeliacs & people with open diaries <3 but I will accept everyone, feel free to add me! [18 | 5'6 | SW: 206 CW:140 GW:126]
  • I was in the same position as you! Almost exactly the same weight and weight lost and we're the same height. For a whole month I kept gaining and losing the same 1-2lbs (eating 1300cal) but it eventually starts coming off again as long as you're tracking right :) Good luck! Don't give up because it'll pay off and don't…
  • Name: Sarah Age: 18 Height: 5'6 Current Weight: 144 Challenge Goal Weight: 126 Ultimate Goal Weight: 126 My Motivation: Getting to my ugw and looking good My Plan: Eat anything within the calories mfp calculated for me and try to walk more
  • It was probably a very bad choice was I was 200lb but yeah I started with that last year after a few weeks thinking it was the best way to lose fast just because the internet said so. From reading things on here I'm sure I was very wrong
  • I would also suggest doing this. Honestly curious, do you track if not on MFP? Do you write it all down somewhere? Do you keep a running tally each day in your head?[/quote] Notes on my phone! I never eyeball things and I do go above target but it's not by much 50-100 calories once or twice a week and the…
  • I don't exactly use my diary. (I have maybe 3 days in there?) If I do I just select something with the same calories that I calculated from using my scales and the info on the packet or for fruit and veg etc I google the calories which I know by heart at this point. Sometimes I click 1cup of something because the calories…
  • As much as I'd like to think I am adding muscle the only thing I do is walk and I honestly don't get much protein in my diet. I'll still try taking more pics! I usually do it with every 7lb loss
  • This gives me some bit of hope! It really kills my motivation to have no progress for weeks. Yes I do take measurements. Mostly just waist and hips though and those haven't changed a bit. I'll try measuring everywhere more regularly Thank you!
  • I guess I should at least check. My dad does have thyroid problems. Thanks for the advice!
  • I'm the same height, near the same age and used to be the same weight. I started a 1200 calorie diet last year (I eat what I like within that) and have done absolutely no exercise. I lost 22lb in the first 4 months. If you threw in a run/walk in the park a few times a week I think you could definitely get near your goal.…