I don't know where I'm going wrong - Advice?

I haven't lost anything for 4 weeks now. My weight changes slightly then goes back up. I eat 1200 calories a day and weigh everything that goes into my mouth with a food scales. I don't eat out and cook everything myself. Sometimes I go up to 1300 but with mfp set at a 1lb loss per week (sedentary) it gives me 1340 so I should still be losing something. I don't follow the 1340 calories because I'm new to mfp and I've been eating 1200 for a year so I just stuck with it.

It's really frustrating. I'm pretty active during the week so I don't understand where I'm going wrong. I walk for an hour or more 3-4 times a week. I weigh myself on Monday morning at the same time every week but I've been weighing myself a bit more often now hoping I did it at a bad time or something. Also my measurements are the same. I think that's everything people usually ask. Sorry if this is repetitive.

Any ideas on what I could do to start losing again?

Other info:
SW: 206
CW: 150
GW: 126


  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Normally I don't jump to this conclusion, but if you are indeed weighing food on a scale and not eating exercise calories back, I would consult a doctor. Something could be up with your thyroid.
  • SazFour
    SazFour Posts: 20 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    Normally I don't jump to this conclusion, but if you are indeed weighing food on a scale and not eating exercise calories back, I would consult a doctor. Something could be up with your thyroid.

    I guess I should at least check. My dad does have thyroid problems. Thanks for the advice!
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    This happens to me, too.

    Just to share my experience: I've lost 100 lbs, about 10 more to go. I'm F, 5' 1/2". Sometimes, everything is the same -- calories, activity -- and the scale just doesn't budge for 4-6 wks. Then, in a day, I'll be down 2 lbs, the next day another lb, and the following week another 2.

    I keep pretty detailed records but cannot see a trend ... It just happens when it happens.

    Another thing to keep in mind: are you taking your measurements? Once when I wasn't losing, I measured my neck of all things and it was down 1.5", my upper arms 1", etc.

    If you monitor a lot of data points you will be able to see / appreciate some sort of progress. Hope this helps. I'm sure others can give you ideas / thoughts, too.
  • rdl81
    rdl81 Posts: 220 Member
    As above our take photos front and side same place in your house same clothes say 4 weeks apart and see if any difference could be ur adding muscle if exercising more
  • SazFour
    SazFour Posts: 20 Member
    This happens to me, too.

    Just to share my experience: I've lost 100 lbs, about 10 more to go. I'm F, 5' 1/2". Sometimes, everything is the same -- calories, activity -- and the scale just doesn't budge for 4-6 wks. Then, in a day, I'll be down 2 lbs, the next day another lb, and the following week another 2.

    I keep pretty detailed records but cannot see a trend ... It just happens when it happens.

    Another thing to keep in mind: are you taking your measurements? Once when I wasn't losing, I measured my neck of all things and it was down 1.5", my upper arms 1", etc.

    If you monitor a lot of data points you will be able to see / appreciate some sort of progress. Hope this helps. I'm sure others can give you ideas / thoughts, too.

    This gives me some bit of hope! It really kills my motivation to have no progress for weeks. Yes I do take measurements. Mostly just waist and hips though and those haven't changed a bit. I'll try measuring everywhere more regularly

    Thank you!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    If you would be willing to open your diary we might be able to see something with fresh eyes that you aren't seeing, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that. Perhaps check the entries you are using, many are user entered and incorrect.

    You are at the high end of the healthy weight range, so you will probably lose weight slowly, but still should be losing. If you are eating 1200 cals, weighing all your food, using correct entries, and you exercise, you should be losing weight. I'd second getting bloodwork if opening your diary isn't an option.
  • SazFour
    SazFour Posts: 20 Member
    rdl81 wrote: »
    As above our take photos front and side same place in your house same clothes say 4 weeks apart and see if any difference could be ur adding muscle if exercising more

    As much as I'd like to think I am adding muscle the only thing I do is walk and I honestly don't get much protein in my diet. I'll still try taking more pics! I usually do it with every 7lb loss
  • youdoyou2016
    youdoyou2016 Posts: 393 Member
    SazFour wrote: »
    This happens to me, too.

    Just to share my experience: I've lost 100 lbs, about 10 more to go. I'm F, 5' 1/2". Sometimes, everything is the same -- calories, activity -- and the scale just doesn't budge for 4-6 wks. Then, in a day, I'll be down 2 lbs, the next day another lb, and the following week another 2.

    I keep pretty detailed records but cannot see a trend ... It just happens when it happens.

    Another thing to keep in mind: are you taking your measurements? Once when I wasn't losing, I measured my neck of all things and it was down 1.5", my upper arms 1", etc.

    If you monitor a lot of data points you will be able to see / appreciate some sort of progress. Hope this helps. I'm sure others can give you ideas / thoughts, too.

    This gives me some bit of hope! It really kills my motivation to have no progress for weeks. Yes I do take measurements. Mostly just waist and hips though and those haven't changed a bit. I'll try measuring everywhere more regularly

    Thank you!

    You're welcome, and I get the frustration. I started measuring everywhere -- wrists, forearms, etc. I also started realizing that A LOT is going on when we do work out / work at losing weight. Who knows what's happening inside where we just can't see -- like losing fat around organs, or what it takes the body to recover from and prepare for more exercise ... and stuff like that? I mean, I don't know ... But I do know if you stick with it you will get results. They just aren't linear, predictable, or even ones we can see ...
  • SazFour
    SazFour Posts: 20 Member
    edited February 2017
    kimny72 wrote: »
    If you would be willing to open your diary we might be able to see something with fresh eyes that you aren't seeing, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that. Perhaps check the entries you are using, many are user entered and incorrect.

    You are at the high end of the healthy weight range, so you will probably lose weight slowly, but still should be losing. If you are eating 1200 cals, weighing all your food, using correct entries, and you exercise, you should be losing weight. I'd second getting bloodwork if opening your diary isn't an option.

    I don't exactly use my diary. (I have maybe 3 days in there?) If I do I just select something with the same calories that I calculated from using my scales and the info on the packet or for fruit and veg etc I google the calories which I know by heart at this point. Sometimes I click 1cup of something because the calories are the same but I measure in grams. Since I've been tracking for so long without mfp I'm still getting used to remembering to enter it on the app
  • Railgrl
    Railgrl Posts: 23 Member
    You've lost 56 pounds! That must feel great! Maybe take your focus off the scale for a few weeks and see what happens.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    SazFour wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    If you would be willing to open your diary we might be able to see something with fresh eyes that you aren't seeing, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that. Perhaps check the entries you are using, many are user entered and incorrect.

    You are at the high end of the healthy weight range, so you will probably lose weight slowly, but still should be losing. If you are eating 1200 cals, weighing all your food, using correct entries, and you exercise, you should be losing weight. I'd second getting bloodwork if opening your diary isn't an option.

    I don't exactly use my diary. (I have maybe 3 days in there?) If I do I just select something with the same calories that I calculated from using my scales and the info on the packet or for fruit and veg etc I google the calories which I know by heart at this point. Sometimes I click 1cup of something because the calories are the same but I measure in grams. Since I've been tracking for so long without mfp I'm still getting used to remembering to enter it on the app

    Before anything, I would track using your diary here and choose correct entries for the food you're eating. See how that goes for a few weeks. Then if you still see no change, move forward with testing or new options.

    This is the advice to follow. You really need to be using your food diary to be accurate about your intake. What you are looking up and what you think you're eating can be far off the mark. Unless you have a rare medical condition, with your stats you should have no issue dropping weight eating 1200 calories. Also, you said you've been eating 1200 calories a day for a year? Something isn't right.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    SazFour wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    If you would be willing to open your diary we might be able to see something with fresh eyes that you aren't seeing, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that. Perhaps check the entries you are using, many are user entered and incorrect.

    You are at the high end of the healthy weight range, so you will probably lose weight slowly, but still should be losing. If you are eating 1200 cals, weighing all your food, using correct entries, and you exercise, you should be losing weight. I'd second getting bloodwork if opening your diary isn't an option.

    I don't exactly use my diary. (I have maybe 3 days in there?) If I do I just select something with the same calories that I calculated from using my scales and the info on the packet or for fruit and veg etc I google the calories which I know by heart at this point. Sometimes I click 1cup of something because the calories are the same but I measure in grams. Since I've been tracking for so long without mfp I'm still getting used to remembering to enter it on the app

    Before anything, I would track using your diary here and choose correct entries for the food you're eating. See how that goes for a few weeks. Then if you still see no change, move forward with testing or new options.

    I would also suggest doing this.
    Honestly curious, though...how do you track if not on MFP? Do you write it all down somewhere? Do you keep a running tally each day in your head?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    SazFour wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    If you would be willing to open your diary we might be able to see something with fresh eyes that you aren't seeing, but I know not everyone is comfortable with that. Perhaps check the entries you are using, many are user entered and incorrect.

    You are at the high end of the healthy weight range, so you will probably lose weight slowly, but still should be losing. If you are eating 1200 cals, weighing all your food, using correct entries, and you exercise, you should be losing weight. I'd second getting bloodwork if opening your diary isn't an option.

    I don't exactly use my diary. (I have maybe 3 days in there?) If I do I just select something with the same calories that I calculated from using my scales and the info on the packet or for fruit and veg etc I google the calories which I know by heart at this point. Sometimes I click 1cup of something because the calories are the same but I measure in grams. Since I've been tracking for so long without mfp I'm still getting used to remembering to enter it on the app

    Sometimes when youve been dieting for awhile, you start to eyeball or add things wrong without realizing it. Maybe try logging consistently for a few weeks and see if it helps. It couldn't hurt, and maybe it will shine a light on a problem that will be easy to fix
  • bisky4
    bisky4 Posts: 12 Member
    you should be eating at least 1400 calories especially if your are walking that much a week. Use IIFYM calculator and it will tell you how much to eat EVERY day. I am not a personal trainer but I truly believe you are starving yourself and thats exactly what your body is doing.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    edited February 2017
    bisky4 wrote: »
    you should be eating at least 1400 calories especially if your are walking that much a week. Use IIFYM calculator and it will tell you how much to eat EVERY day. I am not a personal trainer but I truly believe you are starving yourself and thats exactly what your body is doing.

    no. The answer to not losing weight is NEVER eat more. Like ...no...
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    bisky4 wrote: »
    you should be eating at least 1400 calories especially if your are walking that much a week. Use IIFYM calculator and it will tell you how much to eat EVERY day. I am not a personal trainer but I truly believe you are starving yourself and thats exactly what your body is doing.

    Since OP isn't tracking or logging and not losing weight we can probably assume OP is actually eating at least 1400 calorie a day. Probably more.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    Op being 18... are you still 5ft 6" ? Worth a check :smile:
  • juliewhite421
    juliewhite421 Posts: 2 Member
    How many grams of carbohydrates are you eating? If you really want to try a difficult method, keep your carb intake around 20 grams or less. You basically eat paleo... your body goes into keytosis and burns off stored body fat and you don't lose much muscle if you're getting enough protein. Check out "ideal protein" and see if there's any near you. Worked well for me!
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    bisky4 wrote: »
    you should be eating at least 1400 calories especially if your are walking that much a week. Use IIFYM calculator and it will tell you how much to eat EVERY day. I am not a personal trainer but I truly believe you are starving yourself and thats exactly what your body is doing.

    no. The answer to not losing weight is NEVER eat more. Like ...no...

    That comment wasn't a suggestion to get the weight to drop; it was a comment for overall health (I think). Frankly, as a teenager who isn't very very short, the OP shouldn't be below 1500 cals/day IMO. And if she were accurately tracking that 1500 cal, she'd still lose weight (NOT because she raised the calories, but because she'd still be in a deficit).

    And, actually, sometimes the answer to a plateau *is* to eat more - but just for a day or two. It's very common for a short "diet break" to lower cortisol levels, leading your body to release some water weight. Nothing metabolism-related. Just hormonal.

    Speaking of hormones, my first theory on the OP's situation is exactly that. Is TOM approaching? If so, don't worry about it until a few days after it's passed. If not, my second theory is that something is being miscounted and she should start using the app properly.