cmk5444 Member


  • Listen to everything already said in this thread it is spot on accurate. And listen to your body too. Bits of you will ache that you never imagined (but in a good way, trust me!). I had the same adjustment from cycling to running. I imagined I was quite fit as I put a lot of miles in on my bike, but you use different bits…
  • Hello (incoming brain dump, apologies if it is stuff you already know!) I started running last August. I love it. Things I picked up? Get some nice shoes, get them fitted to your feet and walking/run gait (then track the mileage and replace them at the appropriate time). Keep warm. Go slower than you think you should. I…
  • I'm the same height as you, reached just over the same weight. But I am male and twice your age (nearly!) and now about 60kg. As others said: Time. I have exactly the same issue. I have a flappy bit of loose stomach "flesh" that needs tightening. I just keep going and try and eat at a caloric deficit. I hope it will…
  • Hello Only posting because of the height/weight numbers. Beginning of 2015 I was 170cm and 86kg. I cut my calories, upped my activities and changed my lifestyle. I am currently maintaining 60kg and I have been (with varying degrees of happiness and anxiety which is a long story) for months. I was 64kg Feb 2016. I have…
  • Cheers. All new territory. Freaking out because it feels very, dunno. Tentative isn't the right word. Maybe fleeting, transitory, transient. Like you're going to do all this stuff, making all these changes in a losing battle. Will increase intake, keep records and see what happens. (Input and guidance from all has been…
  • Thank you. I have been doing a bit of research and looking at numbers. Apologies for the long wordage. Again. In a nutshell, I looked here: RUNNING and here: CYCLING Cycling calorie numbers from Strava, MFP and…
  • Thank you for the must reads. Apologies for the forum vomit styling. I wrote out a long list of questions. Stuff I already know the answer to. No point posting those, it's a waste of everyone's time. Reflecting on where I am, what I am doing, where I want to be: Question! How do I break this mindset I have developed? I…